Egoistic, 217, 511 ejā, 496
Ejective forces, 327 eka-jiva-väda, Eka-śloka, 78
82 n.
eka-vidhir eva anyavyavacchedaḥ, 94
ekanta, 389, 391, 546
ekanta-dharma, 545 ekanta-kalanaḥ, 238
ekantin, 545
Ekanti-Vaisnavas, 545
ekārammana, 459 ekārtha-kriya-käritä, 184
ekayana, 548 n. 3
Element, 227, 302, 344, 358-360, 369, 372, 408, 501, 515, 516
Elemental, 334; body, 303; world, 215 Elephant, 512
Elevation, 532
Eliminatory, 140
Emanations, I, 524 Emancipation, 92, 99, 100, 115, 148, 181, 185, 204, 227, 229, 234, 242, 245, 246, 248, 249, 251, 266, 383. 385
Emblic Myrobalan, 294
Embryology, 273
Emotional, 464
Emotions, 149, 152, 153, 245, 411 Empirical, 366 Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics,
289 n. 4, 299, 301 n. 2 Endeavour, 255
Endurance, 495, 502, 505 n.
Enemy, 295, 501, 509-511, 514 Energy, 244, 327, 333, 373, 510 Enjoyable, 464
Enjoyer, 181, 186, 526
Enjoyment, 181, 229, 238, 246, 368, 446, 470, 509, 522
Enmity, 497
Entity, 12, 15, 20, 21, 31, 31 n., 68,
187, 233, 236
Entrails, 289 Envy, 497 Epidemics, 408
Epistemological, 32, 89 n. Epistemologically, 36 Equanimity, 475, 477, 500, 501, 504, 508, 511, 512, 530, 531; of mind, 511 Equilibrium, 236, 237, 327, 329 n.,
333, 358, 530 Erroneous, 64; appearance, 65; im
positions, 21
Error, 5, 417; of judgment, 416 Eruptions, 326 n. Erysipelatous inflammation, 299 esanā, esā, 496
Eschatological, 520 Eschatology, 517
esse est percipi, 268, 272 Essence, 38, 40, 129, 164, 168, 236, 243, 358
Essenceless, 8,35, 169, 233; products, 4 Essencelessness, 7, 35, 234
Essentials, 159
Established, 19
Eternal, 24, 63, 73, 121, 179, 180, 188, 369, 372, 379, 380; consciousness, 181; entities, 187; soul, 179; substances, 161; thing, 191 Eternality, 191, 386 n. Eternity of atoms, 187 Ether, 302
Ethereal, 357, 359
Ethical ideas, 496
Ethics, 500, 501, 514
Ethics of Buddhism, The, 496 n. 2 Ethics of the Hindus, 506 n. Ever-existent, 18
Evil, 445, 497, 498; effects, 408 Evolutes, 172
Evolution, 16, 24, 372, 410 n. Excitants, 29
Excitation, 198
Excitement, 409, 410
Excreta, 317, 325, 327-330, 347, 350352; channels, 348 Exhalation, 258, 449, 459, 460 Existence, 26 n., 32, 183, 193, 243, 498. 517; of the soul, 383 Existent, 12, 155, 194, 234, 239, 373; entity, 232
Existing entity, 181-183 Experience, 20, 22, 27, 33, 34, 44, 58, 66, 68, 72, 75, 84, 94, 101, III, 129 138, 149, 150, 167, 179, 187, 203, 266, 270, 271, 280, 368, 404, 465, 468, 470, 499 Experimenting, 384 Expiating sins, 282 Expiation, 508 Expiration, 259,262 External, 271; characteristics, 21; karma, 238; object, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 27, 151, 269, 270, 272, 282, 366; senses, 156, 344; sensibles, 22; world, 25, 26, 26 n., 209, 211, 270 Extinction, 249, 501 Extra-individual reality, 89 n. Extra-mental, 24
Extreme, 508; idealists, 21 Extremism, 504
Eye, 325, 326 n.
Eyebrows, 342, 353 n., 355 Eye-diseases, 246, 298