Aruņadatta, 429, 434 aruņā, 291, 344 n. asamprajñāta, 250 asamsargāgraha, 154, 155 Asanga, 164 asanga, 268 asanga-bhāvanā, 264 asanga-sastrena, 524 a-sarva-gata, 410 asat, 155, 373 a-sat-kārya-vāda, 39, 179, 473, 517 asat-khyāti, 87 n. asātmya-arthāgama, 416 Ascetic, 373; life, 508; postures, 489 Asceticism, 229, 267, 508 Asiatic Society of Bengal, 205 asmitā, 414 aspanda, 265 Aspects, 238 Aspiration, 497 Ass, 160, 386 n. Assembly, 378 Assimilation, 331 Associated, 501 Association, 15, 21, 25, 34, 156, 169,
183, 188, 195, 239, 321, 358, 369,
375, 451, 452, 456, 500 asteja, 505 asthi, 317, 328 asthi-māmsa-maya, 257 asthira, 230, 241 asti, 386 n. Astragalus, 284 n. 3 Astringent, 358, 359 Astrology, 436 Astronomy, 49 asukha, 422 asukham āyuh, 277 asura, 314, 535, 539 Asura-veda, 274 n. 3 asūyā, 413 asvādu, 358 asubha, 341 asuddha, 36 Aśvattha, 524 Asvattha tree, 523, 524 aştakā, 292 aşta-siddhi, 427 Asţănga Ayur-veda, 276 Aştānga-hrdaya, 364 n., 436 Astānga - hydaya - nāma - vaiduryaka-
bhāsya, 436 Astānga-hrdaya-samhitā, 425, 432
434 Astānga-hrdaya-vrtti, 436 Aștānga-samgraha, 263, 274 n. 3, 284
n. 3, 304 n. I, 317 n. 1, 328, 329 n., 433
aştānga-yoga, 453-455 asthīvantuu, 285 așthivat, 285 n. 4 Atala, 76 Atharva, 274, 390 Atharvan texts, 299 Atharvaņic charins, 281 Atharvanic hymns, 289 Atharvanic rites, 283, 294 dthari'a-sikhū Upanişad, 4.49 Atharva-siras Upanisad, 419 Atharva-Veda, 273-275, 277-280, 283,
284, 288, 290, 291, 293-295, 301, 331, 340, 343 n., 344-346, 364, 486, 536, 539; as Atharva and Angiras, 281; Ayur-veda an upanga of it, 273; Ayur-veda its upaveda, 274; diseases and their symptoms in, 301 ff.; diseases mentioned in, 296 ff.; distinguishes hirā and dhamani, 344 n.; head and brain in, 340; its bone system critically compared and contrasted with that of Caraka, Susruta, Vägbhata, 284 ff.; its contents as arranged by Bloomfield, 295 ff.; its principal contents, 281 ff.; its probable priority to Rg-reda, 280, 281; its relation with Ayur-veda, 275; its śākhās, 283 ff.; its theory of rāyus, 291, 292; on sirā and dhamani, 289 ff.; rivalry between drugs and charms in, 293 ff.; theory of the origin of diseases in, 299 ff.; vāyu, pittu and kapha in, 331; what nādi means in, 345 Atharva-Veda and Gopathu-Brāhmaṇa,
295 n. I, 296 n. I Athari'aveda in Kashmir, 283 n. Atharvārgirasaḥ, 281 atideśa, 389, 391 atikrāntāveksaņa, 389, 392 atinūtra, 296 atirikta, 388 atiśayādhāna, 183 atiyoga, 320, 321, 405 atindriya, 347, 366 atīsāra, 296, 430 Atīta-kāla, 387 Atomic, 367; changes, 194; measure,
189; theory, 151, 189 Atoms, 20, 25, 157, 187-'90, 193, 199,
306, 371 Atri, 399, 401, 429 Attachment, 24, 101, 243, 304, 412
414, 489, 490, 497-499, 501, 503, 504, 507, 510, 511, 513, 514, 516,
521-523 Attention, 23, 24