organelles mitochondria etc. which are parts in a complete system of cell. Each part of cell is made up of molecules of atoms and atoms a of subatonic parts. Atom is a part or subsystem in molecule but a system for its parts. An individual human being is complete system for its parts but a part in family and family being system for its members is also a part in a group or society, so a society in a nation and nation in composite international system on the planet earth which is also a part in solar system and this too a part in a glaxy and galaxies in cosmic whole. There are infinite systems and subsystems in all life forms, water forms, air forms, and vegetation kingdom. All these are interdependent, interrelated and interacting in ideal yoga symbiosis. Yoga is universal from subatomic to cosmic levels. The essence is symbiosis or mutualism. In human body there are trillions of cells and each cell functions in symbiotic conformity with all other cells for mutual benefit and any aberration in a single cell may cause cancer and destroy the whole. Similarly any smallest part in any system may dislodge and distory the entire system. Every single part is important for the whole and so the whole for every single unit. One for all and all for one is an overwhelming principle.
The eight steps in prevailing yoga practices prescribed by Patanjali are accepted and followed by all other schools of yoga with some modifications. These steps Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyan and Samndha will certainly be conducive to attain the objectives and goal of Ideal Yoga if interpreted and practised rationally and correctly without aberrations, transgressions and distortions in weird, occult, superstitious, imaginary pursuits. Yama enjoins on practitioners an ideal code of conduct to abide by nonviolence, truth, non-stealing or not encroaching on others possessions and rights, nonacquisition or possession beyond limits and celibacy.
The second step "Niyama" which implies cleanliness and purity of one's mind and body and also of the ambient environment is also helpful and essential in realising Ideal Yoga. The third stap proper Asana (Posture) is relevant for maintenance and health of body not only during meditation for a limited period but during all activities viz. sitting, walking, reading, writing, driving, cooking or doing any work and even while sleeping. The fourth step "Pranayam" is breathing which is natural and not any forced exercise. But it has been distorted to articulated weird forced practices. Breathing will be automatically normal if air is not polluted and the person is balanced with equanimity and adhers to Yama, Niyama and Asnas rationally. The fifth step "Pratyahar" is to ward off indiscriminate indulgence in sensual pursuits of five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. It is hedronistic indulgence in these that is responsible for spiralling consumerism resulting in growing pollution. "Pratyahar" should imply utilization of all natural resources within their carrying capacities. The sixth, seventh and eight steps of Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi pertain to more and more concentration of mind. This should be at every moment in every activity and not confined to few minutes or hours of meditation. It is also important that all these eight steps are to be followed simultaneously and not sequentially i.e. one after