It is unfortunate that people though studying science and technology and witnessing directly the phenomenon of cause and effect, yet do not have scientific temper and by and large continue to indulge in unscientific superstitious beliefs and actions. Even scientists in prestigious science institutions, research centres, IITs, medical colleges, training and coaching institutes put on amulets etc. and perform superstitious rituals and their students are also increasingly succumbing to irrational superstitions. Superstitions have caused immense harm to individuals, societies and nations and natural environment. The glaring example is continuing nefarious practice of havans (burning and wasting of useful products) on almost every occasion of starting new project, construction of houses, bridge etc., marriages and even while launching a satellite. Not only politicians, traders or common men but eminent scientists are succumbing to such a superstitious practice. In any scientific programme success will depend on planning, fabrication and meticulous execution and not on any ritual like havan or propitiating a deity or planet. It is a fallacy that havans purify air and environment. As some aromatic substances are also burnt, they give out good smell for some time and this is misconstrued as purification. The fact is that things burnt including aromatic substances do give out CO2, methane and other harmful gases. There is no beneficial effect of havans like inducing rains etc. Had it been true there would not have been feminine in India because havans are being practised for several millenia. Havans are also performed for peace. It is commonsence that mere burning of useful things can not bring peace for which ardent efforts are needed to establish a symbiotic environment. Rituals for propitiating deities to come, do our work is stark irresponsibility and shirking duty. To ask non-existent duties to solve problems created by us is greatest folly. The problems created by wrong deads can be solved by us only e.g. we have spoiled and polluted the environment and we, human beings, can certainly redress it by corrective measures. There are rituals like pouring milk, butter etc. on idols of Shiva, Jain tirthrankaras etc. while poor children suffer from malnutrition for lack of availability of milk, butter etc. They are wasted to propitiate stone or metal idols which are inert and cannot do anything and miracles spread about them are mere concoctions. There is cruelty also involved in rituals for propitiating deities as harmless animals, birds and even human beings are sacrificed. Real sacrifice is giving up bad habits, emotions and sensuous pleasures and not in mercilessly butchering helpless goats, sheep, camels etc. in the name of deity or god. Most of the religious rituals and functions involve sheer waste of money, material, time and effort which can be usefully utilised in other good creative and productive activities in new school, hospital sand in service to needy. These are not only wasteful but harmful to those doing them and also to others. Generally loud speakers with sound levels of over 90 to 120 decbols blared at all hours in day and also night disturbing and harming others particularly old, ailing and the students even during their examination days in spite of laws prohibiting use of loud speakers. The religions congregations and processions encroach public