"In Harivarsh area the conditions always remain as in Sukhma era without any change".
"अवसेसवण्णणाओ सरिसाओ सुसमदुस्समेणं पि। Utaf uafga og faut alota 17031"
"In Hemvata area the conditions always remain same as in SukhmaDukhma era without any change”.
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“In Uttarkuru, Mahavideh area the conditions always remain same as in Sukhma-Sukhma era without any change".
Such a phenomenon of arresting change in these areas may have been possible only by limiting population and consumption within the carrying capacity of nature. This can be explained by the phenomenon of succession upto climax (stabilised) stage in forest eco-systems which have been studied and documented in detail. Such progression is possible only by excluding human intervention and exploitation, cutting, grazing, fire etc. The reverse retrogression from climax stage to lower stages have also been studied and documented. There are numerous forest ecosystems according to varying edapho-climatic conditions. One example in plain in tropics in teak zone will illustrate the above phenomena of succession (progression) and retrogression. During floods many times the rivers change course leaving a stretch of land barren and devoid of any nutrition in soil. If such an area is protected from human encroachment, interference and exploitation by grazing etc., natural succession will start. Though seeds of various grasses, shrubs and trees will be brought and dropped in the area by air, birds, insects and animals only the seeds of inferior annual grasses will initially germinate because of very low nutrition in the soil. These grasses will add some manure and then better perennial grasses will grow, then hardy coloniser trees like babool, with improving nutritional status of soil higher species siris, shisham etc. and then valuable tree species teak will predominate the area. If uninterrupted succession is allowed to continue teak will be gradually replaced by higher climax species Jamun etc. which though higher in ecological succession but are not economically valuable as compared to teak. Climax stage is such that a perfect symbiotic harmony and balance is attained in all the constituents in the eco-system and it perpetuates but evolution continues and climaxes may change into alternate climaxes. In order to perpetuate teak further succession (progression) is stopped by introducing controlled burning, grazing and cutting. This is established practice under forest management. But if under pressure of population the burning, grazing and cutting is more than specified, then retrogression will start to same lower and lower ecological status and ultimately to grasses and eventually barren site. Thus progression and retrogression can be stopped at any stage. In the same way the upward or