"Yoga is like a benevolent tree or like a miraculous gem which bestows all types of happiness and success."
"योगः सर्वधिपद्वल्लीविताने परशुः शितः । 11 / 5 ||" - Hemchandracharya's Yogashrastra
"Yoga is to eliminate all adversities in life."
“विद्याद् दुःख संयोग-वियोग योगसज्जितम् । ।6/23।।” - Gita
"Yoga is to get rid of sorrows in life."
“संसारोस्य दुःखस्य सर्वोपद्रवदायिनः ।
उपाय एक एवास्ति, गनसः स्वस्य निग्रहः | 14/35 | |” - Yogvashishta
Yoga is instrumental in getting rid of sorrows in life.
The foremost pre-requisite for good health is good ambient environment unpolluted pure air to breathe, pure water to drink and unpolluted soil to produce nutritious healthy non-toxic food. The exploding population and spiralling consumerism are polluting air, water and soil more and more resulting in increasing incidence of old and giving rise to new more resistant and fatal diseases. There is no yoga practice of Asanas (Postures), Mudras (Gestures), Pranayam (Breathing exercises) and Meditation (Dhyan) that can automatically, while doing these, can purify polluted air being breathed in or neutralize the toxic harmful effects of polluted water and toxic food from polluted soil. The fact is that if Pranayam (Breathing Yoga Practice) which is claimed to be most effective, if done in polluted air, will certainly be harmful. The physical or natural environment also influence social environment also at micro level in family and broadly in society, nation and globally also. Any environmental upheaval, the recent climate change and frequently occurring droughts, famines, earthquakes, storms etc. always have significant impact on social environment. Likewise social upheavals the conflicts, wars harm the natural environment. The natural and social environments are interactive and mutually reinforcing. Even at individual level the emotions of anger, vice, ego, performance, efficiency etc. are environment generated. Doctors, engineers and others who just do not work sincerely and even indulge in corrupt practices in India do very well in U.S., U.K, Europe etc. where there is good work environment in colleges or at work places. Good, peaceful and harmonious natural and social environment is an essential component of 'Yoga".