11. पंचाचारसमग्गा पंचिंदियदंतिदप्पणिद्दलणा । धीरा गुणगम्भीरा आयरिया एरिसा होति ॥
Niyama-sāra, 73. Perfect observers of fire kinds of rules of conduct, and quellers of the intoxicated-elephant-like pride of the five senses, wise and of deep qualities—such are the Acharyas.
12. रयणत्तयसंजुत्ता जिण कहियपयत्यदेस या सूरा । णिकखभावमहिया उवझावा एरिसा होंति ॥
___Ibid. 74. Equipped with the three jewels (faith, knowledge, and conduct] and preceptors of the doctrines preached by the Jinas, brave and full of selfless feeling-such are the Upādhyāyas.
1:3. वावारविप्पमुक्का चाउविहाराहणासयारत्ता। णिग्गंथा णिम्मोहा साहू दे एरिसा होति ॥
Ibid. 75. Free from all worldly occupation, ever engrossed in four kinds of devotion (darśana, ' faith,' jñāna, 'knowledge,' charitra, conduct,' and tapah, asceticism '], without worldly ties, without delusion-such are the Sädhus.
11. इक्को संचदि पुणं इक्को भुजेदि विविहसुरसोक्वं । इक्को खवेदि कम्मं इक्को वि य पावए मोकवं ॥
Anuprekshā, 76. Alone he accumulates merit; alone he enjoys the various liappiness of heaven; alone he destroy's karma; alone also he attains to moksha.