in all the Sástras, and especially skilled in the interpretation of dreams." Having received the royal commands with reverence, the messengers, pleased and delighted, and having raised their hands to their foreheads in token of obedience, took their departure, and went into the middle of the city of Kundagráma, where lived the skilful interpreters of dreams.
moles and marks, congenital qualities and marks, meteoric portents, and heavenly portents. An example given is, that the twitching of the right eye, or the throbbing in the right side, is lucky to a man, and in the left to a woman, and the contrary. In the play of the Toy Cart it is singular that Arya's right arm throbbed when he escaped from danger, and Vasantsená's right eye twinkled when she fell into danger. Twitching in the throat he tells us portends finding a wife, in the legs fetters, in the head a kingdom, &c. The falling of a star betokens distress to subjects, and the occurrence of a hurricane causes disasters to kings. Laughing in a dream portends grief, and dancing bonds; with the exception of a cow, horse, clephant, or image everything black seen in a dream is unlucky, and everything white lncky, except cotton and wool. Such are some specimens of this precions Sástra.