soul with delight. Enormous whales, crocodiles, and sea-serpents", darting through the fluid, form rivers of foam, white as camphor; and again diving into the depths, occasion a whirlpool, like that of the Ganges when she bursts through her mountain barriers. Such was the mighty effervescence of waters seen by the queen, whose countenance was radiant as the moon.
After this she saw a celestial mansiont, resplendent and shining with a radiance like that of the newly-risen sun, or a large heap of pearls, with a hundred and eight pillars, each shedding a food of light from the gold and jewels with which they were adorned. It seemed a lamp let down from heaven, or some radiant celestial garland. Upon it were painted lionst, oxen, horses, men, alligators, fishes, serpents, heavenly choristers, celestial roebucks, and eight-legged deers, Tibetan cows, elephants, and many other animals. It was ornamented also with the finest flowers, and great
* Timingala, Nirudha, Tilira.
+ The origmal is Vimána, but the Jains use this word for a mansion, and not for a car.
* मग for स्मृगा: the Commentator has strangely काः the Cuj. is सोयाल
The Jains consider these to have eight legs.