thousand celestial abodes, is clothed in pure etherial robes, whose head is encircled with a tiara, on whose cheeks fall down the circular ear-rings made of new gold, and delighting the beholder, possessed of great wealth, of great splendour, of great strength, of great fame, of great majesty, and enjoying great felicity, whose body shines with its own radiance, who bas a garland of five kinds of flowers falling down on his breast, rightful sovereign of the heavenly mansions, rightful sovereign of other celestial abodes, rightful president of the divine council, who sits on the throne called (Sakra) * the mighty," who is lord of the gods who inhabit the three hundred and twenty thousand celestial inansions, of the eighty-four thousand equal gods, of the thirty-three superior, and those whom they receive into their company of the guardian divinities of the four worlds", of the eight principal queenst, with their domestics, of the three councils, of the seven branches of the army # of the gods, who protect the lives of the eighty-four thousand divinities, and multitudes of gods and goddesses besiiles. to whom I say belongs the sovereignty,
* The Lunar, the Infernal, and those of Varmia and Knvera. + Padma, Sivá, Sachi, Anja, Analá, Vavanriká, Rolini.
Musicians, actors, horses, elephants, chariots, foot-soldiers, und baggage-bullocks, so says the Comment. This is different from the Bralumanical description of an army; but this, and many other curious points, must be left to the reflections of the reader acquainted with Brahmanical literature.