grasses, small weeds, small vegetables, small blossoms of shrubs and trees, small eggs, small places, small liquid productions.
Small animals are caterpillars, and the larvae of animals of blue, black, red, yellow, and white colours. Small flowers and vegetables and blossoms are those respectively of all the five original colours as above. Small eggs are those of the bug and flea kind, the spider kind, the ant kind, the wasp kind, and the lizard kind. Small places are lairs, dens, ant-holes, white ant-hills, and bee-hives. Small liquid productions are dew, hoar-frost, fogs, hail, flakes of snow*. Of all these the imperfectlyenlightened sage must constantly be on his guard.
17. The ascetics are prohibited from going out to collect alms, without first asking the abbot, teacher, established sage, the head of their class, or the person under whose charge they may be. They are thus to address him-"If it be your pleasure we wish to go abroad and obtain articles for eating and drinking, but if you disapprove we will remain at home." The reason of this is, that the superior
* The original is, and the Sanskrit paraphrase is
भूमीनिस्सृतटणाग्रबिंदुरुपा I am not sure I hare hit the
exact idea.