season had always been observed by the leaders of the sacred bands of disciples, by the established sages, and by the ascetics of past and present times, and that therefore it was incumbent upon us, and all our teachers and priests, to keep this season of rest and abstinence. The calculation is to be made so as to come within the night of the fifth of the increase of the moon of Bhadrapad, and not to go beyond it.
2. It is commanded that all males and females, keeping the annual fast, should limit their peregrinations to a circuit of five miles, proceeding beyond that no farther than the time the perspiration takes to dry on the hand.
3. Should a deep constantly-flowing river intervene, within that circuit, they are not permitted to cross it, for the purpose of collecting alms, but where there is a river like Airávati at the town of Kunála, where the water is so shallow that while the one foot is in the water the other can be lifted up above it, permission is given to cross it.
4. Any particular member can only partake of refreshment when permitted by the. Abbot, or head of the community. The sick should first be fed, and the rest should then eat, giving to others, as well as partaking themselves.
5. During this lenten period, male and female ascetics in health should by no means partake of