of the Lord Mahavíra, and as long as it continues there, there will be a great waning of piety and religious worship, among male and female ascetics and religious persons, but when the planet descends from that constellation, ascetism and piety will blaze forth with new brilliance. On the same night an animal called the Imprehensible, was produced, and continued fixed in one place, producing in ascetics a want of distinct vision. On seeing this many male and female ascetics performed the fast of abstinence from food and water. (The disciple inquires) Why was the animal produced, my Lord ? It was to shew that the observance of the religious institute would now be difficult.
At the time and season mentioned the adorable ascetic Mabávíra had, with Gotama Indrabhúti at their head, an excellent select band of fourteen thousand male ascetics; and with Chandrabalá at their head, an excellent select band of thirty-six thousand female ascetics; with Sankhasataka at their head an excellent select band of one hundred and fifty-nine thousand male lay adherents; and with. Salasi-revati at their head, an excellent select Land of three Inundred and eighteen thousand female lay adherents. The adorable ascetic hero had three hundred and fourteen advanced disciples, possessed of a wisdom next to perfect, and knowing theoretically all that a Jina knows, with