Anger and Malice, by thy austerities, and, like a hero, girding up thy loins, overcome the eight enemies whose power lies in works, and performing the purest and chief kind of meditation, devoid of passion, like a warrior seize the flag of victory erected in the battle-field of the three worlds, and obtain a knowledge cloudless, incomparable, perfect and supreme, rise to emancipation, the highest state of bliss", by that most excellent of roads pointed out by the Jinas, a road free from all perplexing deviousness, and slay all the foes that oppose thy progress. Victory! victory to the Chief of the Kshatriyas, for many days, many fortnights, many months, many seasons, many holy years, many years; having vanquished all natural evils, and accidental diseases, may he obtain perfect patience and equanimity, subduing fear and grief, and performing without obstruction every required religious act.” So saying, they again made the air resound with the shout of “ Victory! victory!" Thereon the adorable ascetic Malávíra, gazed on by a circle of thousands of eyes, praised by a circle of thousands of mouths, venerated by a circle of a thousand of hearts, surrounded by a circle
* It is worthy of notice here that the highest state of bliss 957 ug is said to be 76 (Moksha), shewing that the Jains consider Nirvana and Moksha the same.