country, whether the treasure were in villages, or cities, or hamlets, clumps of cottages, or sheds, camps, market-towns, hermitages, threshing-floors, islands, places where three roads meet in a point, or where three or four roads cross each other, stands for carriages, spaces before temples, king's highways, waste villages, waste cities, common sewers of villages or cities, in the streets of towns, in temples, in court-houses, in places for drawing water, in pleasure-gardens, parks, forests of one kind, and forests of different kinds of trees, plantations, clumps of trees on mountains, places on mountains for propitiating demons, ruined houses, and every other place where treasure is to be found. Accordingly, from the day that the venerable ascetic Mabávíra entered the family of King Siddhartha, the royal treasures and ornaments of gold greatly increased, coin and grain increased in the country, the inhabitants increased, the strength of the army increased, the infantry, elephants, and chariots, the number of his treasuries and store-rooms, the members of the royal household, the citizens and men of distinction, all increased. In fine, golden ornaments, jewels, pearls, sacred conchs, crystals, corals, rubies, and other precious stones, all increasel a hundredfold. The parents of Malávíra, considering that they had now obtained the boon they had so long wished for, and so long prayed for, determined that, in consideration of the great