Pradyumna súri -
Author of the Mûlaśudhiprakaraña. 1, App. pp. 46 and 64. This is perhaps the same as the last.
Pradyumna sûri
Of the Chandra gachchha. Mentioned as the pupil of Sarvadeva. 3, App. p. 87.
Pradyumna sûri
Helped to correct Balachandra's commentary on the Viveka. manjarî of Asada. This commentary was finished on Monday the eighth day of the dark half of Kârttika, Samvat 1322. This gives us Pradyumnasûri's date. Compare Bühler's Ueber das Leben des Jaina Monches Hemachandra," note 1, where Pradyumnasûri, pupil as here of Kanakaprabahasûri, who was pupil of Dêvânanda, is found doing a similar service for another book. For a third case, see 1, App. p. 5. Again at 3, App. p. 175, Pradyumnasûri does the same for Dharmakumârasadhu's Sâlibhadracharitra, & book composed in Samvat 1334.
Pradyumna sûri
Author of the Vichârasaraprakarana. He is apparently described as the pupil of Devaprabha who, with Padmaprabha, was pupil of Dharmaghosha. 3, App. p. 270.
Pradyumna suri
Mentioned as pupil of Yasodeva and guru of Mânadeva in the Chandra gachchha. 3, App. p. 68. These three teachers are Nos. 31, 32 and 33 of the Tapâ gachchha with Klatt. Ind. Ant. XI. p. 253. Mânadeva was succeeded by Vimalachandra, and Vimalachandra by. Udyotana, who was consecrated in Samvat 994.
Pradyumna suri
Mentioned as the pupil of Buddhisagara and guru of Deva. chandra in the Chandra gachchha. 1, App. p. 22.