Mentioned as pupil of Ânandameru and guru of Padmasun dara, the author, in Sainvat 1615, of the Râyamallabhyudayamahâkavya. 3, App. p. 257.
Padmaraja gani
Mentioned as pnpil of Punyasagara and guru of Jnanatilakagani, the author, in Samvat 1660, of the Gautamakula kavritti. 3, App. p. 223.
Mentioned as his brother in the faith by Yaśovijayagani, author of the Jnânabinduprakaraga. See under Yaśovijaya, 3, App. p. 192.
Author, in Samvat 1615, of the Râyamallabhyudayamahakivya. He describes himself as the pupil of Padmameru, who was the pupil of Anandameru. 3, App. p. 255. Bhandarkar, Report, 1882-83, p. 43, notes that Harshakîrti, the anthor of a Dhâtupâţha, mentions, in a list of eminent persons belonging to the Nâgapuriya branch of the Tapâ gachchha, “Padmasundaragani, who defeated a great pandit in argument at tbe court of Akbar [Samvat 1612 to 1661), and was rewarded by the emperor with a garment, a village, an easy chair (sukhâsana), and other things." Aufrecht, in Oxford Catalogue, p. 392a, has a Pârsvanâtbakâvya by Padmasundara, the MS. of which he dates Sarn vat 1622. This must be (also, or as an alternative) the date of the composition of the work. At Weber, II. p. 1016, there is a Jambusvâmikathânakam (in Prakrit) by our author. No. 29 of GB. Collection of 1869-70, and No. 350 of GB. Collection of 1871-2 are copies of this book.
Padma süri
Of the Brihad gachchha. Mentioned as one of those who revised Balachandra's commentary on the Vivegamanjars of Ásada. 3, App. p. 103.