Dharmaghosha shri
Mentioned as pupil of Chandraprabha, in the Kotika gana, Vajra sâkhâ, Chandra gachchha, and guru of Samudraghosha. He gave the dignity of sûri to twenty pupils. He was the author of a grammar which apparently was called 'Sabdasiddhi. He was praised by Siddharâja. 3, App. p. 25. Compare 1, App. p. 8, where he is mentioned as the gurn of Chakreśvarasûrî, and his connection with King Jayasinha is again referred to. Mentioned as the pupil of Chandraprabha and grand pupil of Jayasinha. By Jayasinha's orders he founded the Purạimâ gachchha. 3, App. p. 40. Compare Bhandharkar's Report, 1883-84, where an account is given of the founding of the Paurņamiyakapaksha in Samvat 1149 by Chandraprabha.
Pupil of Jayasinha in the Anchala gachchha. He composed the 'Satapadikâ in Samvat 1263. His pupil Mahendrasûri made an easier recension of it in Samvat 1294. 1, App. p. 12. Compare 3, App. p. 219, where the succession (1) Aryarakshita, (2) Jayasinha, (3) Dharmaghosha is given. No. 1340 of this Report's Collection is a copy of a 'Satapadikaså. roddhâra by Merutunga, with a praśasti in which Merutunga says of Dharmaghosha that he was born in Marudeśa in Malapura in Samvat 1208. His father's name was Chandra and his mother's Râjalede. Vrata, Samvat 1216: sûripada, Samvat 1224: svarga, Samyat 1268, at the age of 60. Merutunga also says that this Dharmaghosha converted “ Pratha. maraja" in 'Sakambhari.
Dharmaghosha sûri
Mentioned as the pupil of Hemaprabha, in the Nâgendra gachchha, and garu of Somaprabha. 3, App. p. 174.
Author of a Maharisikula.
3, App. p. 28.
Dharmachandra gani
Mentioned as the sister's son of Mânatunga, author (in Samvat 1260) of the Siddhajayanticharitra. 3, App. p. 42. 9A