well as the hall of the immortals'). At 1, p. 59, summarizing this prasasti I have made Devasûri, Hemachandra's teacher. But that was Devachandra, v. 13. Mentioned as the guru of Ajitasûri, 3, App. p. 79. As one of the predecessors of Ainara. prabha. 3, App. p. 228. “A pupil of Munichandra was Devasûri, who conqnered the Digambara Kumudachandrâchârya in a dispute before Jayasinhadera (alias Siddharâja, who reigned Samvat 1150-99. The dispute took place Samvat 1181), king of Anahillapattana, and thereby hindered the entrance of the Digambaras into that town. In Samvat 1204 Devasûri founded a chaitya and raised a bimba at Phalavarddhigrama [Phalodi], and made a Neminâthapratishtha at Ärâsana. He composed Syâdvậdaratnâkara, a pramânagrantha. [Cf. No. 361 in my collection of 1882-3. Among the works purcbased for Government this year are the sûtras of the Syâdva daratnâkara, and a commentary on them, called Ratnakarâvatârikâ by Devasûri's pupil Ratnaprabhasûri.] Devasůri was born, Samvat 1143 : dikshâ, 1152: sûripada, 1174: svarga, 1226." Klatt, Ind. Ant. XI. p. 254.
Mentioned as pupil of Mânadeva. 3, App. p. 68.
Mentioned as the pupil of Vîrasena ("mathurânâm yaminâm garishthah") and guru of Amitagati. 3, App. p. 294.
Devasena (Bhattarakadevasena)
Author of the Dausaņasâra (Darsanasâra). He calls himself papil of Râmasena, and states that he wrote the Darśanasara in 390. 3, App. p. 374. According to the statements of a commentator Devasena was born in Samvat 951, and wrote the Darśanasara in Samvat 990. He was author also of the Bhâvasangraha, the Tattvasa ra and the Arahaņasâra, three books written in Prâk rît. His Nayachakra (No. 519 of my collection of 1884-6. See also Weber, II. p. 929) and Älậpa paddhati were composed in Sanskrit. His Dharmasangraha was in Sanskrit and Prakrit. 3, App. p. 22.