Jinaratna sûri
Mentioned as pupil of Jinarâjasûri and guru of Jainachandrasûri in the Kharatara gachchha. (These three writers are Nos. 63-5 with Klatt.) 3, App. p. 315. “Sûripada, Samvat 1699; died at Agra, Samvat 1711.” Ind. Ant. XI. p. 250. His original name way Rupachandra. His mother took diksha along with him. Klatt, On. Weber, II. p. 1053.
Jinaraja sûri
Mentioned as pupil of Jinasinha and guru of Jinaratna in the Kharatara gachchha. (These three writers are Nos. 62.4 with Klatt.) "Born, Samvat 1647: dikshâ, Samvat 1656, when he received the name Râjasamudra: sûripada, Samvat 1674. Ho made many pratishthâs, for example, erected 501 statues of Rishabha and other Jinas on the Satrunjaya, Samvat 1675, composed a všitti on the Naishadhiyakavya, called Jainarají, and other granthas, and died at Pattana, Samvat 1699.” Klatt, Inul. Ant. XI. p. 250. Samayasundara compiled his Gathasahasri in Samvat 1686, “when 'Srî Jinarâja was reigning." 3, App. p. 290. Jinarâ ja is mentioned as guru of Jayasagara, 2, p. 126 : as papil of Jinasinha and gura of Jayasagara, 2, p. 127.
Author of the Atmabodha (Atmaprabodha), which he composed in Srimaniraklıyabindira" (the last word is the Anglo-Indian bunder) in Samvat 1833. He gives his spiritual genealogy as follows:
In the line of Sudharmagaṇabhrit, in the pure Chândra kula, in the Savihita paksha, there arose
(1) Udyotana. (2) Vardhamana. (3) Jineśvara. Obtained in Samvat 1080 from the king
the biruda kharatara. (4) Jinachandra and his younger brother in the faith,
Abhayadevasûri, the commentator on the nine
angas. (5) Jinavallabha. (6) Jinadatta (7) Jinachandra.