Mentioned by Yasovijaya, the author of the Jnânabinduprakarana. Yasovijaya gives his spiritual lineage as follows:
In the gachchha of Vijayadeva there arose
(1) Kalyanavijaya (śrîmahopadhyâya).
(2) Labhavijaya.
(3) Jîtavijaya, and hisgurubhrâtar Nayavijaya. (4) Yasovijaya,
The Vijayadeva of this list is the sage of the name who is No 60 in the Tapagachchhapattavalî. "Born, Samvat 1634: dîkshâ, 1643: pannyâsapada, 1655: sûripada, 1656: received from the emperor Jehanghir the birudha Mahâtapâ, died Samvat 1713, Ashada sudi 11, at Umnânagara." Klatt in Indian Antiquary, XI. p. 256. 3, App. p. 192.
Kalyanasagara muni
Mentioned as pupil of Dharmamûrti (so correct) and guru of Amarasâgara in the Anchala gacchha. 3, App. p. 220.
Mentioned among the yugapradhânas. 3, App. p. 308. Born 336 Vira. 3, App. p. 285, where his title 'Syâmârya is mentioned. "Kâlikacharyakatha." 3, App. p. 27. This second Kâlikâchârya, about whom the tale is, was born 453 Vira. 3, App. p. 286. A third sage of the name changed the paryûshana from the fifth to the fourth day of the month, 993 Vira in the time of Sâlivâhana, and put the Chaturdasî of the chaturmasa in place of the purnimâ, at beginning and end of châturmâsya. 3, App. p. 285. Born 990 from Viramoksha. 3, App. p. 272.
His love for the mandâkrânta metre noticed by Kshemendra. 1, p. 10. Lakshmana praises his "kâvyatrayî" (Raghuvansa, Kumarasambhava and Meghadûta). 3, App. p. 55.
Mentioned among the yugapradhânas. 3, App. p. 308.
Kundakunda acharya
In a Digambara patțâvali purchased for Government this year the spiritual lineage of this teacher is given as follows: