minister of Vîradhavala (died 1241 A. D.). No. 874 in this Report's Collection is a copy of the Arambhasiddhi, 1, App. p. 33; 3, App. p. 16. Udayaprabha is mentioned in an inscription, dated Samvat 1287. Wilson, Asiatic Researches, XVI. p. 309; Weber, II. p. 942, note.
Udayaprabha sari
Author of a Vishamapadavyakhya to Nemichandra's Pravachanasâroddhára. He gives his spiritual genealogy as follows:
(1) Dharmaghosha. He conquered his opponents in the
presence of the King of Sapâdalaksha.
Yaśobhadra. (3) Raviprabha. (4) Our author. He was assisted by Jayaprabhamuni.
3, App. pp. 126 and 262.
Udayaratna gani
Of the Agama gachchha. Pupil of Munisinhasûri. He wrote out, in Samvat 1430, a copy of the Sripâlacharita of Ratnasekhara, a work composed in Samvat 1428. Udayaratnagaņi wrote it out in the city Madhumatî of Saurashtra. 3, App. p. 203.
Pupil of Ratnasinha, and one of the three gurus of Labdhi. sågara, who wrote the 'Srîpâlakatha in Samvat 1557. These writers belonged to the Tapâ gachchha. 3, App. p. 220.
Udayavira gaņi
Guru of Udayasinghamuni, who wrote out, in Samvat 1646, a copy of Ratnasekharasûri's Sraddhapratikramaņastravritti. See under Udayasinghamuni. 3, App. p. 227.
One of the three guras of Labdhisagara, author, in Samvat 1557, of the Sripalakathâ. 3, App. p. 220.
Author of the Snâtripanchâsika. “Vidhipakshagachchha dhi râjapůjyabhattârakah.” Udayasagara, who composed this book