Founder of the Anchala or Vidhipaksha gachchha. Guru of Jayasinha, who was guru of Dharmaghosha. 3, App. p. 219. This Dharmaghosha wrote in Samvat 1263. 1, App. p. 12. In Merutunga's Satapadisâroddhara (Nos. 1340— 1, of this Report's Collection) it is stated that this Âryarakshita was born in Samvat 1136, in the village Dantani, that he took vrata in Samvat 1142, and that he died, at the age of 91 in Samvat 1226. He was called Godu by his father, Vijayachandra by his guru, and Aryarakshita by his sûri. In the pattâvali of the Anchala gachchha (Bombay Ed. 1889) it is stated that Âlyarakshita founded the gachchha in Samvat 1169.
A contemporary of Aryamahậgiri. 3, App. p. 177.
Author of the Vivegamanjarî (Vivekamanjari). This book he composed in Samvat 1248. 1, App. pp. 56, 75; 3, App. pp. 1223, 31, 100. For Âsada see 3, p. 39.
Induraja (Bhattenduraja)
Quoted by Kshemendra in his Suvrittatilaka. 1, p. 7. Also in the same writer's Auchityavicharacharcha, Peterson “The Auchitgalankâra of Kshemendra, &c." p. 20. Induraja is quoted in Abhinavagupta's Dhvanyalokatika, Bühler's Kashmir Report, p. 66: and at the end of his Bhagavadgitatîka Abhinavagupta says he was his teacher, and adds that he was son of Sribhûtirâja, and grandson of Sauchaka, of the Kâtyayanagiotra, p. 80. Verses by Indurâja are found in the 'Sârngaddharapaddhati and the Subhashitâyali.
Mentioned as belonging to the Suhasti vanéa. 3, App. p. 303. Indradinna is thirteenth in the Kharatara gachchha, and tenth in the Tapâ gachchha in Klatt's tables.