not-with one exception, which did not prove fruitful-- any oppor. tunities such as I previously enjoyed of travelling about the country personally in search of manuscripts. In the Christmas vacation of the year of writing, however (1893), I was able to carry out a longcherished project of a visit to Anhilvad Patan, the results of which were in some respects so noteworthy that I propose to give here a short conspectus of them. My chief object in visiting that once flourishing and ever-famous town was to endeavour to obtain access to what may be called the Hemachandra bhandar or library, which has not yet been seen by any of our officers. The attempt failed, as all previous attempts have done. The owner or guardian was absent; and before leaving he had not only locked the door of the treasure he loves too well, but, to make assurance doubly sure, had rnn up a brick wall in front of it. My cordial thanks are due to the Gaikwar authorities at Baroda and Patan itself, who had done all in their power to guard against such a mischance. I have great expectations with their continued assistance of meeting with better luck another time. But the hope of turning over with my own hands the books which fed the marvellous knowledge of one of India's greatest writers had for the time at least to be abandoned.
The Hemachandra library, however, is not the only collection of those palm-leaf manuscripts which are the sole glory now of a city which was once the capital of an Empire of Gujarat. In his Report for 1883-4 my colleague Bhandarkar gives a list of eleven bhandars, all of which are reputed to contain palm-leaf books. It is convenient to produce his list.
1. Bhandar of Phophaliâ pado, belonging to the Tapagachchha. 2. Another smaller) one in the same ward 3. Blandar of Bhâbhânopado, belonging to the Vimalagachchba.
Sanghavinopado. 5. Do. Râja vijaya Dayâvijaya.
Do. Limrinopado. Do.
Vadi Pârsvanatha Mandira.
Rûpasagarji. Do. Ratan vijaya, Khetarsi Mahal. Do. Makâ modia Vâņia. Do.
Hemachandra, in the charge of Syarûpachandra