Somasundara sûri
Mentioned as fourth of the five papils of Devasundara. He succeeded Somasundara and in his turn had five pupilsMunisandara, Jayachandra, Bhuvanasundara, Jinasundara, and Jinakîrti. 3, App. p. 226. Devasundara, Somasundara, and Munisundara are Nos. 49, 50, and 51 of the Tapâ gachchha with Klatt. “Somasundara, born, Samvat 1430: vrata, Samvat 1437: vâchakapada, Samyat 1450 : sûripada, Samvat 1457: died, Samvat 1499. Wrote bâlâvabod has on Yogasastra, Upadeśamâlâ, Shadávaśyaka, Navatattva, &c. His pupils were Munisundara, Jayasundara (in a note Klatt says that this pupil is in colophons of MSS. and otherwise called Jayachandra) with the birada Krishnasarasvatî, Bhuvanasundara, and Jinasundara, author of Dîpâlikakalpa.” Ind. Ant. XI. p. 256. He was the author of a commentary on the first pažnna. Weber, II. p. 612. Of a commentary on the Pratyakhyanabhâshya. Weber, II. p. 803.
Skandila acharya -
The sthavira. 3, App. p. 303. Mentioned among the yugapradhânas. 3, App. p. 308. This is the name of the guru of the Vriddhavâdisûri, whose pupil Siddhasenadivâkara converted Vikramaditya. See Weber, II. p. 938, note, and the references given there.
Sthûlibhadra (Sthulabhadra)
The sthavira. 3, App. p. 303. Mentioned among the yugapradhanas. 3, App. p. 308. In his time the fourteen pûrvas were lost. 3, App. p. 21. Sthûlabhadra is No. 9 of the Kharatara gachchha and No. 7 of the Tapâ gachchha with Klatt. “9. Sthûlabhadra, from Pâtaliputra, of the Gautama gotra: his father was Sakadála, mantrin of the ninth Nanda, and his mother Lâchchhaladevî (variants: Sakatala and Lakshmîvati). He converted the vesyâ Kośâ, and was the last who knew the fourteen pûrvas, but with this modification:-daśa pâryâni vastud vaye nyûnani sûtrato 'rthataś cha papatha antyâni chatvari pûrvâņi ta sutrata evadhita vân anarthata iti vriddhaprâvâdah. He lived 30 years in gļiha, 20 in vrata, 49 as suri, died 219 V., at the age of 99.” Ind.