committed by Dr. Burgess, who succeeded in diverting Rs. 1,500 to his work on inscriptions. In November, 1881, “when on the point of leaving India," Dr. Kielhorn formally advised Government that the diminished grant of Rs. 6,500 was a great deal too much for the purpose in hand; and that the Rs. 2,000 required for his scheme for a catalogue raisonnée of the Poona collection might be taken from
(1) “ To print uniformly all procurable unprinted lists of the Sanskrit manu.
scripts in Indian libraries, and to send them to the various learned Societies of Europe, and to individual scholars in Europe and India, with an intimation that the Government will carefully attend to their suggestions as to which of the manuscripts therein mentioned should be examined, purchased, or transcribed ;
Tour expense of competent scholars.
Purchase of munu
of Transcription
(2) "to institute searches for manuscripts, and to this end to prepare lists
of desirable codices; to distribute these lists among scholars and other persons willing to assist in the search, with a request that they will report their discoveries to such officer as may, from time to time, be appointed by the Government of India, and to depute competent
scholars on tours through the several Presidencies and Pro. vinces to examine the manuscripts reported upon, to seek new manuscripts, to purchase manuscripts procurable at
reasonable rates, and to have Rs. Rs.
copies made of such manı. Bengal...........
1,000 1,000 1,2003,200
1,000 1,000 Bombay .........
scripts as are unique or other
1,200 3,200 Madras and
wise desirable, but which the Mysore.......... 1,000 1,000 1,2003,200
possessors refuse to part North-Western Provinces ...... 500 500 600 1.600
with; and Punjab ........
500 5001 6:0 1.600 Oudh 500 500 600 1,600
(3) "to grant to the Asiatic Society Central Pro vinces ......... 500 500 600 1,600
of Bengal an additional alRajputana...... 1,010 1,000 1,200 3,200
lowance for the publication 6,000 6,000 7,200 19,200
of Sanskrit works hitherto Printing Native catalogues of
unprinted. desirable manuscripts ......
The statement given in the margin Additionalgrant to Asiatic So
shows the financial result of the ciety ............ Sundries.........
scheme, i.e., how the Rg. 24,000 sano. tioned as the annual expense for carrying it out are distributed."
After a review of the several results, the Government of India resolved that these warranted a prosecution of the search.