the sacred books of the Jains from Magadhi into Sanskrit, he was ordered by Vriddhâvadin to visit all the Jain temples in existence; and he spent twelve years in the performance of this penance. Coming one day to Ujjayini he entered the temple of Mahadeva in the vicinity of that city, which is still a place of pilgrimage ; and, instead of worshipping the lingam, lay down, put his feet up against it, and so fell asleep. The startled worshippers of Siva brought Vikramaditya to the place, who, disregarding the sage's assurance, that the lingam would have flown to pieces if he had worshipped it, or shown it any sign of respect, ordered him to be beaten as a sacrilegious wretch. With the first blow shrieks were heard from the women's apartments, and it soon became known that each blow administered to Siddhasena told, not upon him, but upon the person of the king's favourite wife. Siddhasena was released; and raised his hand as if in honour of the lingam. Straightway it was broken in two; and a great light appeared, in the midst of which was seen the majestic form of Rishabhadeva. No. 57.-A Chûrni and
This is a book which in Saṁvat 1296= Vritti on the Pakshikapra. A.D. 1240, certain pilgrims from Nâgpur, * tikramaņasútra.
whose names are given, having heard the scriptures expounded “here in Vijapur, *" in the paushadhaśâlâ, or Hall of Fasting, by Devendra sûri, Vinay ach andra s úri, and Dev a bh a drag ani, and having considered that the world is nought, caused to be written for the use of the faithful.
No. 58.-- Abhayadevasů.
The date of the composition of this work ri's commentaries on the is given as Saṁvat 1120=A.D. 1064 : sâtras of the four argas. and it deserves note that the present copy was written Samvat 1184=A.D. 1128, only sixty-four years later. A bh a ya deva s úri finished the book in Aşahila-pâ tak, in the Dusserah of the year mentioned, and in correcting it he was assisted by a host of pandits of whom Drona is singled out as the chief.
The author of this book VijayaNo. 60.-The Bhuvana. sundarikatha of Vijayasim. sisih a sú r i who wrote in Saṁvat 1365= hasûri.
A.D. 1300, calls bimself the pupil of Samudra súri; and he refers to the works of Padalipta, Bappabhatti, and Haribh a dra.
Both cities in Gujarath.