on the authorship of that work, with the following result. No. 34 is a Jain MS., which reads at the end of the seventh adhyâya, after the word ajaganat: the verse
इष्टयुपसंख्यानवती शुद्धगुणा विवृतगूढसूत्रार्था ।
व्युत्पन्नरूपसिद्धिवृत्तिरिय काशिका नाम ।।१।। followed by the colophon इति श्रीवामनाचार्यविरचितायां काशिकायां वृत्तौ सप्तमाध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः ॥ The end of the eighth adhyâya in this MS. is unfortunately in & bad condition. It contains this verse, in which, by means of a series of puns, the Kašika is compared to the holy city of Kasi. Then follows the verse -
व्याकरणस्य शरीरं परिनिष्ठितशास्त्रकार्यमेतावत् ॥
fare: qay: FRUGET TYTT II 11* The words immediately following are the bare iti kâśikâyâm ashtam. asyadhyâyasya, &c., followed by something which is anfortunately undecipherable. Going now back I note that these verses occur neither at the end of the fifth nor at that of the sixth adhyâyas ; and that the colophons of these adhyâyas do not give any author's name. In the sub-titles to the first, second, and third pâdas of the sixth adhyâya however the book is consistently described as the Vâmanakasikâ. Throughout the fifth adhyâya there is no mention either of Vamana or of Jayâditya. Throughout the first four adhyayas the book is nowhere described otherwise than simply as the Kasikî vșitti without any reference to an author. The first of the verses I have quoted occurs at the end of each adhyâya, but it is only at the end of the first book that it stands in what appears to be its proper place, that is, immediately before the colophon. Elsewhere it is appended after the colophon.
* Pandit Bâla sastri in his excellent edition of the Kasik& puts the two verses ishtyupasankhyanavati and vyakáranasya sariram at the beginning of the book and adds the verse
Vrittau bhashyo tatha dhatuna maparayanadishu
viprakirnasya tantrasya kriyate sarasamgrahah The versos do not stand in that position either in the birch bark MS. Bühler procured from Kashmir (Report, p. cxxxvii.) or in my Jain copy. I may poto here thnt the last named MS. begins frisadhuparévan&thaya namah. Then follows the single verso vrittan, &c., and then the atha sabdanuśasanam. For three additional verses found in the Kashmir copy see Bühler.