Stone Inscription found at Bankodi, a village under the Jamnagar State.
The stone on which this inscription is engraved was found at the village of Bankodi in the Jamnagar district of Rävala about twenty miles north-east of Porbandar in Kathiảvad. It is kept in the museum at Bhavnagar. The inscription is in three lines and measures 18" x 7", though all its sides and corners are chopped off.
It contains the name of king Guhasena, but no date is to be found as several of the letters are missing. It is, therefore, hard to say what it relates to.
The language is Sanskrit, the character being Valabhi.
वविप ख दाइनलमहरगुह
(This inscription stone was found by the Patela of the village of Bankodi of the Kalyanapar Mahala in the Råvala distriet under Jåmaagar, while sinking a well. But the stone is broken and nothing can be made out of it, except that it contains the name of Guhasena.)
II. Copper-plate grant of King Dharagena Il of Valabhi, found at Thara, a village
under Dhari. Dated Valabki Samvat 252. These copper plates were found at the village of Jhara under Dhåri, a district of the Gâek wad's territory in Kathiàvad.
It is abouttwelve miles south of Amareli, the principal place of the Gaek waď's territories in Käthiâvad.. They are with a Kåthi of the place, who would not part
Ahol Shrutgyanam