whereby, gifts are bestowed upon Brahmanas and Sramaņas, elders are seen and served with presents, money is exchanged,* people of different countries are seen, righteousness is taught, inquiries are made after virtue. King Devånarnpriya Priyadarsin looks upon these with favour, and enjoys also all the rest (of the pleasures) according as it comes to him as the rcsult of his deeds,
Edict IX. King Devanampriya Priyadarsin speaks thus: It is a fact, that men do all kinds of things which are to assure luck, as well in sickness as at betrothals and marriages, at the getting of a son, as at going from home. On these and other occasions men do all kinds of things which are thought to bring prosperity. But it is a grcat loss to do all those manifold, multifarious, vain, and useless things. This, however, does not indeed remove the necessity of a man's doing something which will bring prosperity, but such a kind us has been named is of little use, while of great usc is truc piety. To that belongs proper treatment of servants,t and subordinates, reverence for misters, sinoere self-restraint towards living beings, sincere charity to Brahmapus and Sramaras. These and other like actions, are called true religious mangala. This must be tauglit by all, fathers, sons, brothers and lords. This is noble; this must a man do as something that assures luck, until his aim has been fully attained. Mention was made just now of " sincere charity," now there is no charity, no good will to be compared to charity or good-will springing from true piety. It is just this which a well-meaning friend, relative, or companion, must at every occurring opportunity impress on another, that this is duty, this is proper. These and many other things, all, must be properly done for obtaining licaven. May all thus attain heaven.
Edict X. King Derûnâmpriya Priyadarsin does not regard renown and great name as any great objects; for without havy zacrifice it never stands long. Let my people follow the path of righteousness and le ever pious, King Devånůpriya Priyadarsin covets renown or name only for this world, but whatever little he does is all for the next. Everything of him is without blemish; und blemish is nothing more or less than sinfulness. Such a thing is, indeed, difficult for any one whatever, be he a person of low degree or of high station, unless with the utmost exertion of power, by sacrificing everything. But this is, indeed, most difficult for a person of high station.
• Perhaps refers to commercial transacciora. + T6 probably means slaves; and 44 scoms to be a word for all other kiuds of aubordinates.
Ahol Shrutgyanam