to abstain from killing animals, from prodigality, and to be fearless in all acts. Thus will those in my connection be also tried in their attachinent.
Edict. IV. Since a long time past, during many hundreds of years, sacrificing of animal life and inflicting suffering op the crcatures, want of sympathy for caste-members and respect for Brahmatas and Srama nas have gone on increasing. But now the righteousness which King Devanampriya Priyadarsin practiscs is proclaimed tar and wide with bcating of drums. People have been led to righteousness in a manner not known for many hundreds of years, by the Edicts of King Devânâmpriya Priyadarsin, being called together by various things like celestial cars, elephants, fireballs, and similar attractive sights. King Devanåmpriya Priyadarsin his promoted and will promote the sparing of animal life, the gentle treatment of creatures, respect for relatives, respect for Brâhmallas
and Sramanas, obedience to father and mother, obedicnce to elders and many • similar acts of riglıteousness. The sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons of King Devånêmpriya Priyadarsin shall also cause this culture of virtue to increase; standing steadfast in rigbtcousness and morality until the destruction of the world, they shall cxhort to righteousness; to exhort to rightousness is surely a very excellent work, while fruin him who is immoral no practice of righteousness is to be expected. Increase, therefore, in these things, and no diminution, is good; for this end has this been written; may they attend heartily to the increase hereof, and prevent the diminution of it. King Devånâmpriya Priyadarsin has caused this to be written twelve years after his inauguration,
Edict v. The beloved of the gods, King Priyadarsin thus proclaims; to do good is dificult; and he who docs good does certainly a very difficult act. I have done much good. Let all my work in that behalf be carried out by my sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons and others of my prosterity till the end of the world. They will therely be doing good. He who shall cause this command to be set aside shall commit great sin. Sin, indeed, is easy to commit. Previously there were no Ministers of rcligion, but such officers are appointed by me, in the thirteenth year of my inauguration, for the purpose of presiding over morals among persons of all persuasions, for the sake of the increase of virtuc; and. ..... for that virtue among the people of Yavana, Kamboja, Gandhura, Rashtrika, and litenika ; and ... .... those who may be devoted or not devoted to my causc ..... for the happiness of the faithful .. ... and for warding off imprisonment and capital punishment ...
Aho I Shrutgyanam