191 by Guru Ganda, in mere sport, as if to vie with the great Boar (i.e. Vishyu in the incarnation of Varaha) who uplifted the earth on its tusks.
19. By him the powerful, what opponents were left unconquered in presence of the king? Whose faces were left unsullied ? Whose pride was not humbled? Whose position was not forcibly shakep, by planting his foot on their heads and what opponents were not turned beggars ?
20. If this small pot of the Universe, lead not been well pressed on the out-side by his good merits, it would have surely burst from within through his great glory contained in it.
21. Verily, Indra desiring to see his beauty assumes one thousand eyes; Brahma is obliged to bear four mouths being intent upon praising his immea. surable virtues; the earth being shaken by the weight of his grcatness is kept in position by mountains and, in sooth, the three worlds seem to be created to hold his fame which the earth could not contain.
22. He desirous of acquiring glory renovated the four outward and four inward duties of the four Varnos and allotted one to each.
23. For the proper repair of the temple, having fixed a limit, he worshipped five hundred and five good men.
24, lle cxtended the town by building a strong fortress on the north and the south of the god (temple).
25. He placed gold-pinnacles (lit. jars) on the temple of) Gaüri; Bhimeśvara, Kapardi (Siya), Siddbesvara and other divinities.
26. He made a court-room for the kings to assemble. For getting pure water for kitchen and bath he made a Vapi of Sarasvati.
27. He made a room in front of the (temple of) Sankara supported on begutiful strong pillars and a seat of Siva in the form of a frog having a silver water-course.
28. He repaired the temple of the god Påpamochana, erected three statues of men* there, and caused to be built a flight of steps in the river.
29. He built very large houses for Brahmarag and helped up the worship of Vishnu.
30. In the new town on the way to Somanåtha be made two Vápis and there established another Chandika.
31. This Vapi, which was caused to be made by Ganda is pure, is of large dimensions, has sweet water and is named Amrita. This Vapi, whose water is
• Cap it be, equal in height to three men ?
Ahol Shrutgyanam