TRANSLATIOX. : 1. & 2. May the god Ganapati give you eternal bliss, Gagapati who appears beautiful with the great flow of the fine water of Mada from his two round temples red with the beautiful Sinitura poured by the wives of gads, whose desires are satisfied; and who thus shines like the golden mountain (Mera) with two currents of the heavenly river falling from its peaks brilliant (red) with the evening clouds. (Through whom) the Vedas have become respected as Vâch (the word); who witnesses all Karmas as Sakshipurusha the representative that looks to their heing true and accomplished; and who, moreover, is the giver of the fruits of those Karmas that are by nature perishable, may He Ekalingaji, the Highest, be always for your welfare.
3. May that Girija residing in the Vindhya protect you; Girija who was caused to be brought for being worshipped only by the use of this secret word (message) viz. the upholder of the earth (Mount Vindhyâ) is not himself able to move up to you) lis size being so unwieldy; nor can any of his relatives go, they all being immorable mountains, nor would be send any Bråhnanas, being led to suspect them all from the intrigue of Agastya--and yet a virgin (like you) is necessarily to be adored in the great festivity (here).
4. May Achyuta, saying the followiog words capable of a concealed and pleasant double entendre protect you!--that Radhika living in a grove on the Yamuna is not to be remernbered, nor Rukmiyi, for you are the one with pleasant smiles; it is proper you are not well versed in artfulness, oh Satyabhåmå I have not in all this told you a lie.* . • 5. The family of king Guhila is very just; its fame is known all over; its
difficulties are destroyed; and it is the abode of thriving Dharma (religion) and · Karma (actions) in this Kali age. (It seeins) as if Iudra completes again his century of sacrifices, having exhausted the former one by enjoyment, by taking birth in it (the family) devoted to the performance of sacrifices.
6. He, full of all prosperity, with whom the Viydhyâchala stands as a fit brother, both with their minds never swerving from the bond of their promise (his own word, in the one case ; and the word pledged to Agastya us to remaining in a particular posture, in the other), with the loftiness of their sublinity widely known; surrounded with various poisy Vâlinis (trinies in the one and rivers in the other case); the sole mine of wealth ; having never abandoned Kshiti.
• The cause for not remembering Rådhiki and Rukmini is really the cause why they are to bo rememberod, and Satyabhama is not to be remembered, for, that cause is not in her. That this is the real meaning of his speecb in conveyed to Satyabhami by saying that it is well she is a simple ton so as not to penetrate to the depth of the remark,
Ahol Shrutgyanam