oil for lamps, for the repairs of any damage to the Vihara, and lastly for keeping alive the roots of trees. Therefore none should obstruct the enjoyment of the grant made in a proper religious manner whether by cultivating (it) or causing it to be cultivated ur by governing it. The grant should be respected and train. tained by all the future good kings of the line knowing that power is transient, human life is inconstant, and the advantage of the gift of land is common (to them with me). It is said that many kings like Sagara, &c., have enjoyed the earth; (but) he, who is the lord of the land for the time being enjoys its fruits. What good man indeed, will think of resuming even for fear of poverty the things given for charitable purposes by (former) kings considering them like things vomitted and useless.* The donor of land enjoys Svarga for sixty thousand years, and he wlio resumes or helps in resuming lives in Naraka for the same number of years. The carrier of this is Siladitya, and this is written by Divirapati Vasabhatti, the nagotiator of peace. The 5th of Åsvina Krishnapaksha (dark-hall) of Samvat 310. Here I set my own hand.
y Copper-plate grant of King Sildditya II. of Valabhi found at Lunsadi near
Makuva, Dated Valabhi Samvat 352.
The village of Lunsadi where these copper-plates were found is about nine niles west of Mahurâ to which district it belongs. It is a part of the Bhavnagar territory in the province of Kathiavad. The usual scal attached to the plates by means of a ring still keeps the two pieces together and the plates themselves are very well preserved. They are at present in the Museum at Bhavanagar and measure 14" x 12 containing thirty-two and thirty-three lines respectively written on one side only.
The grant was issued to a Brahmana named Magopadatta, who had immigrated to Valabhipur fronu Anandapur. It gave him two fields in the village of Lunsadi for the spiritual merits of the donor's parents. It is dated Sarnvat 352 (A. D. 671). It is written in Sanskřit prose, the charactor Ucing Valabhi,
PLATE I १ ओ() स्वस्ति विजयस्कन्धावारा(न्) मेघवनवासकात्प्रसभप्रणतामित्राणां मैत्रकाणामतुलबलसंपन्नमण्डला
मोगसंसक क्त पहारशतलब्धप्रतापात्प्रतापोस(प)नत
* Het mesas without any substance-useless.
Ahol Shrutgyanam