City of Bhinmal
City of Bhinmal is closely related to the origins of Shrimal and Oshwal community. The city is certainly ancient: there is a mention of Shrimal in ancient Hindu epic the Skundh Puran. Its original name was Shri Laxmi Mahasthan or Shrimal. In the second age it was known as Ratnamal, in the third age as Pushpamal and in the present age it is known as Bhinmal. The present city of Bhinmal is located in Jalor district in Rajasthan about 40 miles west of Abu Road Station.
Approximately 2600 years ago City of Shrimal, in the Maru Region, was very prosperous and famous business center. According to description in Shrimal Puran the city had area of 20 square miles (5 yojans). There were 84 gates leading into and out of the city. There were three different residential areas. Billionaires lived in one, millionaires in another and rest of the merchants in the third area. It is said that 84 billionaires (kotiyadhish) lived in the city. At that time the influence of Brahmins who were worshippers of a Goddess (vam margi) prevailed with the royal family. During the fire worshipping (yagna) hundreds of thousands of animals were sacrificed. People drank alcohol, ate meat and committed adultery. They worshipped gods and goddesses, believed in evil spirits, ghosts and demons. They were hypocrites and swindlers. Neither the Jain nor the Buddhist religion had any influence in this region. Corruption, lechery and coarse behavior prevailed.
However near the ruins of ancient Bhinmal there is lake where a stone monument dated 1333 V.S. (1277 A.D.) has been found in the ruins of a Jain temple with an inscription that Lord Mahavir personally visited Bhinmal.