These five obeisance (namaskars) in the Navkar mantra are ranked the highest. Even the tirthankaras praise the acharya.
Questioner: Correct, correct, absolutely correct!
Dadashri: It is because of the power and the charisma of an acharya that one becomes a tirthankar.
Ganadhara: Transcends Mind & Intellect
Questioner: Can the ganadhars (premier disciple) of the tirthankar Lord be considered on the same level as the acharya?
Dadashri: Yes, they are considered to be on the same level as the acharya. The acharya is a ganadhar. All ganadhars are acharyas, but all acharyas are not ganadhars. They are called gandhar because they have transcended all layers of the intellect. An acharya may or may not have transcended the intellect.
of an acharya. Nothing can bother an acharya. If a sadhu were to shout or become very angry, it would not bother the acharya in the least!
An acharya is such a being that if his disciple were to err, the disciple would immediately make a confession to the acharya because he would not be able to bear keeping a secret from his master. Despite having so much power, the acharya is not stern by any means. They never get angry; nevertheless people around them feel a 'heat of sternness' in their power.
The silent power of an Acharya is like the burning effect of intense cold. They do not have any anger. If they did, they could never be regarded as acharya. Anyone with the slightest amount of anger, pride, deceit and greed can never be called an acharya. Acharyas have such a wonderful presence. And when they speak you never feel like leaving their side. They are no ordinary beings!
Dadashri: The Meddlesome Vitarag My status is that of an acharya. It cannot be called an absolute state of the vitarag. But if you want to refer to my state as 'vitarag', then you can say I am a meddlesome vitarag. A meddlesome person, yet free of attachment. I am meddlesome only because I tell people to come to satsang and that I will do things for them. Such a meddlesome quality is not to be found in an absolute vitarag. A vitarag is not concerned with whether something is beneficial for you or not. His very existence and presence is beneficial. His entire being is of benefit to mankind. His aura is beneficial. The air around Him is beneficial. His speech is beneficial. His darshan is beneficial. But he would not tell you to do this or that. Whereas I tell you, 'I will do satsang with you, so you can be liberated.' Tirthankaras only utter this much in their deshna: "The four paths to life forms (celestial, human, animal & hell) are sources of suffering, so dear human being; you have acquired a birth in the human body form, the
I too have transcended all the layers of intellect. The layer of the mind is the moon and the layer of the intellect is the sun. A ganadhar is the one who has gone beyond these layers of the moon and sun and yet remains and abides by the instructions of the tirthankar. I too have gone beyond the layers of the moon and the sun!
Qualities Of An Acharya Acharyas have complete knowledge of the scriptures and they have absorbed it. The sadhus are in the process of studying the scriptures, but they too have realized the Self, they have acquired the true knowledge (samkit) but are studying further. The upadhyayas are studying themselves and also teaching others the same. The upadhyayas have progressed in their study but maintain utmost humility towards the acharyas. An achrya's presence is so intense that if ever he were to raise his voice, it would render the upadhyayas absolutely meek. That is the aura