Pure Love
The Way To Become The Embodiment Of Love
If one understands the world exactly as it is, and then experiences it from that perspective, then he will become the embodiment of love. What does 'as it is' mean? It means that all living beings are innocent. They are flawless. It is because of illusion that one sees faults in others.
It is an illusion if people appear good and it is also an illusion if they appear to have faults. The former is because of attachment and the latter because of detachment. In reality everyone is faultless. When you see faults in them, you cannot love them. So when you see the world as faultless, that is when pure love will arise. As long as we look upon others as being separate from ourselves, we feel a sense of 'mine' and 'yours'. As long as you keep differences with the other person, you will have attachment towards your own. Those for whom we have attachment, we consider 'ours' and those with whom we feel detachment, we consider as belonging to others. A person with this kind of discrimination can never become an embodiment of love.
The nature of the Self is love and with such a love, one forgets all one's problems. Once bound through this love, nothing else can bind you.
When does love arise? It is when you ask for forgiveness for all mistakes that have occurred so far. You accept that you, and only you are at fault for seeing fault in others. You should take this approach with those for whom you wish to become the embodiment of love. Only then will you feel love. Do you want to love or not?
Questioner: Yes Dada.
Dadashri: These are all my methods. The very method
Pure Love
that guided me to full enlightenment is the same method by which I guide you all.
When you become the embodiment of love, others will experience oneness with you. Everyone has attained oneness with me in this manner. This method is being opened up to everyone.
The One Who Sees 'I' In Everyone Is Love Incarnate
Pure love will increase in proportion to the decrease in differences experienced. What do we need to get rid of in order to develop pure love? One has to be rid of their differences so that pure love can arise. When the differences disappear completely, absolute, pure love is established. This is the only way.
Did you understand this 'point of view'? This is something very different. One has to become the personification of love. One will then feel a sense of oneness with everyone. There will be no discrimination or difference. People usually say, *this is mine and that is yours!' It is like a disease. Differences exist because of this disease. But when people depart from this world, is there any such thing as 'mine' and 'yours'? Once this 'disease' is eradicated, one will become a personification of love.
Love is when one perceives the Self in all living beings. All this is 'I', and 'I' am in all. Otherwise one will have to say, 'you'. If you do not see, 'I' then you will see, 'you'. Then there will always be a difference between you and others. For worldly interactions, you will have to say, 'I' and 'you,' but in reality you should see 'T' everywhere. To become the embodiment of love is to see everything with oneness, and act with oneness. Get rid of your belief that others are different. You should feel as though everyone is a part of one big family.