[5] The Way of Akram Vignan
"This is how it is. So why do you needlessly keep badgering people?' You are taking people on the wrong path by telling them, 'I do this, I do penance, I renounce. So you should renounce too. You should do the same. Stop eating potatoes." Why are you unnecessarily hounding people? So, things that needed to be done have been set aside and they make people do things that ought not to be done. They, themselves, cannot do the things they are not supposed to! It is all a sheer waste of time and energy. What needs to be done is something completely different. What one needs to do is to ask for energy (shakti). Everything that is occurring right now is because of the shakti that was previously asked for.
Questioner: Whatever we did in our previous lifetime has come as an effect in this life, has it not? (96)
Dadashri: Yes, everything has come into effect. Therefore, ask for the energy and strength in the form of a cause (the effect of which will come later). And when you ask for the energy and strength by reciting the Nine Kalams (nine deep inner intents asking for energies), those Nine Kalams are the essence of all the scriptures combined. That is all you have to do. What does one need to do in this world? One needs to do only this much; ask for shakti (energy) if he wants to do anything with the sense of doership.
Questioner: Is it simply a matter of asking for the energy? Dadashri: Yes, because not everyone goes to moksha, do they? But if you want to 'do' anything, then do just this much: ask for shakti.
Questioner: This is applicable to only those who have not attained Gnan, right?
Dadashri: Yes, this is applicable to only them. This is for the worldly people because at the moment, the path they are on is completely wrong and they will never succeed in their endeavors.
Questioner: I had talked to people but they do not understand how good and logical Dada's science is. They are not even ready to understand that much.
Dadashri: That is what I am saying. They are not ready to understand this. They do not want to go deep into this. This is something new and contrary to what they believe, understand, do and accept; and they are afraid of it.
Questioner: They believe this is wrong because it is contrary to what the world believes.
Dadashri: Yes.
Questioner: And the other thing is that they feel, 'Should I let go of what I have done all my life?"
Dadashri: Yes, 'Will all that I did go to waste?"! They will have to get rid of that fear, will they not?
Questioner: That is the main point.
Dadashri: The Guru Maharaj will say, "There is lot of misery, but we will put up with the way it (the traditional path) has been going on.' So I tell them, 'Hey, you! You can make do with it but why don't you let your disciples change?" So to that he will say, 'No. I will be alone. What will I do?' That is how it is.
This disease of wrong belief (mithyatva) has spread; nature is responsible for spreading this disease. And it is also nature that will turn it around. 'We' are just the instrument (the nimit) in all this.
There was no essence or substance in the old path and that is why this new one has come about. The one without substance was believed to be the one with substance.
That is why Krupadudev Shrimad Rajchandra has said, 'I have created an opportunity for you to lose everything. An opportunity of losing everything has come.' (98)