[2] Every Religion Supports Pratikraman
what is of your free will? A shove from this man was also mandatory, and whether you do pratikraman or not is your free will.
If a man gives a donation of 5000 rupees because the city mayor pressures him to give, he will receive credit for it 'here! (in this life) but nothing over there' (the next life). Whereas if someone gives a donation of his own free will, then he will reap the rewards for it in the next life. That was of his free will.
What is free will? This, the current life, is all mandatory. All external actions carried out are mandatory, but the inner intent with which they are carried out is free will. When someone slaps you, it is mandatory and repentance within is an improvement of free will. Spoiling of inner intent in the process - is also free will.
Dadashri: So ask for forgiveness without fail. Do not listen to this over-wise person! If someone is doing wrong and is asking for forgiveness, let him do so. "This is the complete law.
If someone is drinking brandy and asking to be forgiven, I would tell him to keep asking for forgiveness. Continue asking for forgiveness and continue to drink, but make a firm resolution that now you want to quit this habit. Sincerely resolve this in your mind. Then you may continue to drink and keep asking for forgiveness. One day the addiction will come to an end. I give you this absolute guarantee through my Science.
This is a Science! It is bound to grow and proliferate, yielding immediate results.
"This is the cash bank of divine solution. This is the only 'cash bank.' Such a bank has not appeared in the last million years! It offers liberation within just two hours. I am ready to grant you whatever you ask of me.
'We' Have Come To Give Happiness
If someone feels the hurt to the slightest extent, it is called atikraman. It may not be evident externally but he may be hurt internally (garbhir). Such internalized hurt and pain may not be evident but it does not mean that he is not hurt. One should not cause such internal pain and hurt. I have not hurt anybody to the slightest extent in this life. However, if it occurred, I would ask for forgiveness. We have not come here to give pain to others; we have come here to give happiness.
(22) Free Will Versus Destiny Dadashri: Have 'we' come here of our free will (marajiyar), or was it mandatory (farajiyar)?
Questioner: Free will. Dadashri: No. It was mandatory and written in fate, and
If a bad deed has occurred and you repent a lot, if you repent heavily, then that mistake is erased. But you need someone to help you become free from that. Pratikraman and Pratyakhyan Are One's Free
Now you should not have the desire to take fruits from someone else's orchard. If you want some fruit, then ask for it. We,' too, used to steal anis seed from people's farms when 'we' were young - about twelve or thirteen years old. But later, a lot of repenting cleared it all up.
In the Kramic path (the step by step path to liberation), only the inner intent (bhaav) of doing pratikraman and pratyakhyan are under one's control.
Effect (dravya) is not under anyone's control. Only the inner intent (bhaav) is under your control. Therefore, repent for any wrongdoing. 'Our' dravya, i.e., the Gnani's effect, is good and so is the inner intent. Your effect is associated with