Aadayee Aagraha Aakraman Aantarik tapa Abhaav Abheda-dharma Abhedta Abhimaan Abhipraay Abhyudaya
Antaray Antaray karma Antaratma Anubhav Aparigraha Apratikraman dosh
Apratyakhyani krodh
Obstinacy Insistence Attacking nature Inner penance Dislike; aversion Path one of oneness Oneness Pride or arrogance Opinion Prosperity or uplifting in the worldly life Non-celibacy Self-realized masters Non-stealing Internal penance; invisible penance Wrong karma through thought, speech and actions Spiritual language Special directive Energy of ignorance mediated through ego-intellect complex Ignorance of the Self One who is not Self-realized Worries about the future
Abrahmacharya Acharyas Achaurya Adeetha tapa Adharma
Aropit bhaay Arati
Aropit Artadhyan
Adhyatma vani Agna Agnya shakti
Asahaj Asaiyam parinam Ashata-vedaniya karma Ashatna Ashrit Ashubha Ashuddha Atichar
All-inclusive, impartial and acceptance of all viewpoints Inner working components of the mind, intellect, chit and the ego Obstruction Obstacle causing karma Awakened pure Self: Shuddhatma Experiential Non-acquisitiveness Mistake for which pratikraman was never done in the past life Anger for which one did not do pratikraman False assertion Devotional singing accompanied with burning oil wicks False assertion Adverse internal meditation that hurts the self Unnatural state Presence of kashay reaction Karma which brings pain Irreverence Dependant Bad Impure Transgression of code of conduct; doing something in excess Aggression towards other living beings through thoughts, speech and action Hurtful karma Major blockade or impediment in the path of liberation Religion of the Self Vision as the Self Violence against the self; killing of the self Knowledge of the Self To not say as it is
Agnan Agnani Agrasocha Ahamkar Aishwarya Ajaanta Ajagrut Akram Alaukik Alochana Amrut Anand Anant darshan Anant gnan Anant shakti Anantanubandhi krodh
Atikraman Atkan
Godly qualities Unknowingly Unaware Step-less Beyond worldly; of the Self Recall and confession of mistakes Nectar Bliss Infinite vision Infinite knowledge Infinite energy and power Anger that will make one bind karma for infinite lives
Atma-dharma Atmadrashti Atmaghat
Atmagnan Avarnavaad