Such a samayik is possible in the current era. Is it not a mistake if you do not take advantage of it?
If you keep the upayog (focused, awakened awareness) of seeing the relative and the real as separate for one hour, the Lord has called this upayog, shuddha upayog - pure awakened awareness. If that pure upayog can be maintained for forty-eight minutes (one gunthanu), then it is possible to attain Puniyaa Shravak's samayik. So take advantage of that if you can.
No matter what the mind instigates from within, tell it, Stay out right now and come back in an hour if you want to. Whatever is to come, come later.' Inside, there are all kinds of things that will come to complain and make noise. Tell them all to be quiet for an hour. Tell them to come back in an hour because your samayik is going on. No one has a right to enter the 'home department.' Tell them, 'Shut up and stay in the relative department. I will deal with you when I come out of my home department after an hour.' If you say this, they will stop automatically. They will behave the way you order them to, because all those things are non-living (nischetan), but they have been powered with the energy of the animate (sachetan), so they have become alive - sachetan. So do Puniyaa Shravak's samayik for an hour and everything will be shed and vanish! That Which Makes You Forget the World is
a man become focused faster in them; his concentration will be very strong. He is so strongly focused, that he will not get up.
Now at that time, he forgets the world (too), but that will take him to a lower life form. It will cash in your own 'wealth (spiritual), give you a beating and make you suffer. Whereas the samayik that takes you spiritually higher takes longer time. It will take longer time for you to forget the world there. Dada On Your Mind Makes You Forget the
World Does everyone (mahatmas) have Dada on his or her mind the whole day? And what occurs when Dada remains on your mind the whole day? One forgets the world. You can have only one thing on your mind. Either you have the world on your mind or you have Dada on your mind. And when you have Dada on your mind, you will forget the world. Karma will seem less when you forget the world. Krupadudev Shrimad Rajchandra used to speak about forgetting the world. He has put a tremendous value for that state, where one is able to forget the world (vismrut) for just one hour
What can one do if the mind is that way (remains absorbed in worldly things)? That may well be on the mind, but it is separate from the Self. Even the sheth (businessman) that sits down to do the samayik will know that his mind is wandering around in dirt. Now, who is the 'Knower' that 'knows' this? The mind gets pleasure from it, so it runs there again. Because he gets pleasure from it, he starts a collection of things there. He starts a collection!
(518) Right now, in my presence, have you forgotten everything or not? That is called a samayik. Here there is no talk at all about the worldly life. Here there is only talk of two things; the Atma (pure Soul) and the Parmatma (Supreme Soul). You forgot everything didn't you; that is the greatest samayik. If you do not know how to do anything else, come and sit here, even
What does samayik mean? It is that which makes you forget the world. Even if there is interesting' discussion about fugitives and outlaws, it makes you forget them. When you go home and the dinner is not ready, you get upset and irritated. So then you start reading a book. After awhile, your wife calls out saying that dinner is ready, but you don't get up to eat. Hey, you! How come? You say you became engrossed reading the book. That is because habits (sanskars) that make men fall (attributes that impact negatively, against spirituality), will make