[17] Removing the Root Cause of Opinions
Self complex (pudgal) could express its feelings it would say:
'I was always pure! It is you who has contaminated me with your intent (bhaav). I had neither bones, nor blood, nor pus. I was absolutely pure. You have defiled me. Unless you make me as pure as You are. You will not attain final liberation.' Do you understand that?
Questioner: Yes, Dada.
Dadashri: So which Agna did 'we put in place? The Agna to settle all accounts with equanimity. Yes, and to see only the pure Self in everyone. And if you do something that the other person does not like, the arikraman has occurred and so you have to make him, 'Chandulal,' do pratikraman. So what you are trying to say is that you are against his opinion. You changed the opinion. You do not hold the past opinion anymore. He becomes pure as the opinion changes. If the opinion had remained the same, then the main garbage would remain. This pratikraman is to change opinions.
The Vision That is Beyond All Opinions
Questioner: So how can one be completely free of opinion?
Dadashri: You have been given the opinion free Gnan. By real view point, 'He is Shuddhatma and by the relative view point he is 'Chandubhai.' And because the relative is karmadependent, even "Chandubhai' is faultless (nirdosh). If he were independent, then he would have been considered at fault (doshit). But he ("Chandulal') is like a 'top' (that spins dictated by his karma effect) and so he is nirdosh (faultless). 'He is a Shuddhatma and the external is nirdosh.' Now tell me, can you not remain opinion free all the time?
Binding of Grave Karma Questioner: A human being binds so many karmas, day
and night, that it will take infinite time to discharge karma (nirjara) of just one lifetime, so when can he ever be free?
Dadashri: Who told you that? This happens to others (non-Self-realized people), not to You (mahatma).
Questioner: I am talking about other people.
Dadashri: Those people bind so many karmas that if they run around on bikes or in airplanes from seven in the morning, they will not be done with their karma by eleven at night. (308)
Questioner: So, what kind of a predicament are they in? The karmas bound in one day are so many that even a year is not enough to discharge it.
Dadashri: Yes, so what will occur as he continues to bind karma? He will go from a human life with five senses to the one with four senses, then from four senses to the three senses, then from three to two and then he will become a one-sensed being. That is how grave the karmas are that they are binding.