[7] Business Transactions Become Pure
then he should let the scorpion bite him.
Questioner: That is an ego, is it not? Dadashri: It is all an ego.
Questioner: So if the scorpion cannot be plucked off, should we pull it in a way that it is not killed?
Dadashri: Yes, but despite that, if it dies, then do prarikraman. That is the solution for it.
Questioner: The intention is not to kill it.
Questioner: How is that done in the worldly life?
Dadashri: You just have to maintain such a bhaav (inner intent) and then whatever occurs after that is correct. You should maintain your inner intent and it is necessary to explain things to him. No matter how many times you have to explain to him, it is correct. And it is also correct if you do not say anything to explain it to him.
Questioner: If someone is being obstinate and I do not have the authority to punish him, but I report him to my boss so that he will be punished, now the boss punishes him but I am the one who reported him to the boss. So I became the nimit, did I not?
Dadashri: No, that is not Your bhaav. 'Chandubhai does that does he not? So what should You do? You should continue 'seeing what 'Chandubhai' does. The world will go on. Do not worry at all about that. Have the inner intent that no living being be hurt. Then go about your business, whatever it may be. Do not interfere in it. Do not have any doubts. "You' should remain as the Self. However, you have to meet your obligations, do you not?
Ultimately, Pratikraman as the solution
Up until now, you had been trapped but you have learned the art of escape, have you not? What do people generally say? 'If the scorpion is going to bite, let it.' Hey, you! But do you have the energy to allow it to bite you? They will say, 'In the absence of such energy, the one who allows the scorpion to bite him is a gnani.' Hey, you! If you don't have the energy (shakti), put aside the scorpion. Whether it is a scorpion or some other poisonous critter, just put it aside. Yes, but do not harm it.
Questioner: Are there such gnanis that will let the scorpion bite them?
Dadashri: That is what people say, that if one is a gnani
Dadashri: That is not the intention but what should you do if it does die? Should there not be a solution for that? And to begin with, one does not have the energy to let it bite and then he goes around creating a big deal. Instead, why not exercise caution; there are all kinds of solutions. We have the entire science of Akram with us.
Questioner: This is all very practical, Dada. Dadashri: Yes, it is practical!