Many life forms are killed during respiration. And when we speak we send thousands of life forms colliding to their deaths. Even the movement of one's hand causes death to so many life forms. Although they are invisible, they are still being killed. And therefore it is all sin.
The ownership over one's body ceases with the realization of 'I am not this body' and one becomes free from all sin. As for myself, I have not had ownership over this mind, this speech or this body for the past twenty-six years. There is no responsibility left, since the ownership documents have been destroyed, which is why I am completely and absolutely nonviolent. I perpetually live as The Self, the 'home department'. I am absolutely non-violent in the ocean of violence.
Questioner : Does one become non-violent after taking this Gnan?
Agnas, he is completely separate from the physical body, even while immersed in the ocean of violence. The body, because it is solid matter becomes an instrument of hurt for many life forms. Even a single movement of one's hand destroys so many life forms, whereas the Soul, which is extremely subtle, cannot harm any living being. In my books it is written that although I live in the 'ocean of violence', I am completely non-violent. There is no violence in my mind. At certain times my speech is a little harsh and therefore violent, but then speech is merely a 'tape-record playing'. Although I am not the owner of this speech, but because the "tape-record' is 'mine', I am at fault to an extent and for this I do pratikraman.
Questioner : Through the medium of your non-violent words, we all mahatmas (Dadashri's Self-realized followers) are becoming non-violent.
Dadashri : You are non-violent if you follow my Agnas. If you find this too difficult, tell me so, so that I can change them for you.
The Keval Gnani (The Fully Enlightened Being) Manifests Where There Is Absolute Non-Violence
The highest religion is the one where a person is able to acquire the knowledge of the subtlest understanding of nonviolence. Absolute non-violence in itself is Keval Gnan. When you encounter a religion where violence ceases, be assured that such a religion is right.
The world is not devoid of violence at all. The world itself is full of violence. When you become non-violent, the world will become non-violent too. Without the reign of absolute nonviolence, one's awareness would not be complete and Keval Gnan is not possible. There should be absolutely no violence in
Dadashri : In giving you this Gnan. I have made you Self-Realized. Now, violence will not touch you provided that you follow my Agnas (Five cardinal instructions to live by following Self-Realization in order to maintain the liberated state). If you make a strong decision to follow my Agnas, you will reap tremendous benefits. This will lead to final enlightenment. How can violence touch someone who is non-violent?
Questioner : Violence does not affect those who experience the Nine Kalams (Dada's prayer of nine principles) in their everyday lives.
Dadashri : Violence does affect them, but if they recite the Nine Kalams, the violence that they have done up until this moment, is erased. However, if a person follows the five Agnas, violence does not touch him at all. When he abides by my