Dadashri : That is a different matter, but there is indeed life in them.
different matter. Even the human fetus at four to five weeks, is in the same state as the egg, so you must not harm the egg. As humans we know what happens to the egg after it hatches.
Milk : Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?
Questioner : Just as one should not eat the 'vegetarian egg, one should not drink the milk of a cow.
People are being misinformed. This issue has become a difficult one for Jain children to accept. So many of them argue with me about this and I simply tell them that they should give this more thought. There is no problem if there is no life in it, but you cannot eat anything that is lifeless. If you are eating the egg with the idea that it is void of life, then you should also stop eating grains and only eat food that does not contain any life. Food that does not contain life will satisfy hunger but it does not have any nutritional value and it will not nourish and sustain the body. The children accepted this fact and agreed to stop eating eggs altogether. People will listen if one takes the time to explain things to them; otherwise there is so much misinformation out there that one's intellect is led astray.
Dadashri : You cannot eat eggs but you can drink cows' milk, eat yogurt and some can even eat butter made from that milk. No restrictions have been placed on these.
The Lord had forbidden some people to eat butter, but that was for specific people and for a different reason. You can make puddings and sweets from that milk. Even if some scriptures forbid this, I will tell you that those scriptures are wrong and that there are no restrictions. Go ahead and enjoy them but take care not to overindulge.
Questioner : But nature had intended the milk for the calves and not for us.
All foods contain life, but The Lord has told humans to consume only certain foods. He has drawn limits as to which foods are allowed and which are forbidden. You must not harm or eat any thing that runs away from you in fear.
Questioner : An egg does not run away from us in fear, so is it permissible to eat it?
Dadashri : The egg does not run away, but the life contained within the egg is in a state of unconsciousness and dormancy. Will this life not be apparent when the egg begins to hatch?
Dadashri : That is completely false. Only the calves of the wild cows and buffaloes drink all their mother's milk. People however, feed and nurture cows so that both the calves and the humans can benefit from the cows' milk. This has been the practice from time immemorial. If you feed a cow well, it can produce up to fifteen liters of milk a day. If you feed it well it will produce more than the normal amount of milk so you will not be depriving the calf of its share and making it go hungry.
Killing A Carnivorous Animal Questioner: There is violence in killing any animal, but is there also violence in killing animals that kill or hurt others?
Questioner: Yes, we will discover that immediately. But what if it does not hatch?
Dadashri : That is because the life within it is in a dormant state. Whether or not it is going to hatch into a chicken is a