Harmony in Marriage
Harmony in Marriage
world will stop. All clash with the wife and children will also stop. This science is such that the conflicts stop and you become free.
Questioner: Despite stopping sex, the clashes between us do not stop, that is why we are at your feet, Dada.
Dadashri: That can never be. I have seen that wherever sex has stopped, men are strong willed and their wives absolutely abide by what they say.
(474) There is no other solution other than stopping sex with your wife. The root cause of attachment and abhorrence is sex. The original cause is sex. This is the starting point of the world. Therefore, if one wants to stop this cycle of recurrent worldly interactions, then he has to stop sex. (475)
Those who do not want any clash, those who do not side with clash, for these people clash will occur, but they will gradually decrease. Those who believe that clash has to be done, as long as they believe this, then the clashes will continue to increase. We should not support any clash. Those who have made a firm decision not to be involved in clash, very few clashes will come their way. Wherever there is clash, God does not stay there at all.
(476) You need to put a stop to this system of double beds, and sleep separate from each other in their own single beds. (479)
From the time my sexual interaction stopped with my wife, I have been addressing her as Hiraba. Since that time onwards we have not had any difficulties. Whatever difficulties there were before in regards to sex sometimes there used to be superficial minor arguments only. These minor arguments exist as long as the sting of sex is there. I am telling you my personal experience. We have the Gnan of ours. It is okay due to our Gnan. Otherwise if this Gnan were not there, this sting of sex would keep on biting you. At that time I had ego.
Just look at this science. All conflicts with the whole
Marriage is a major bondage. It is like being locked up as cattle in a carriage. It is best not to be trapped in that situation. If you happen to get married, it is in your best interest for you to settle all your accounts of the relationship with equanimity. If not, then in the end, get out after having tasted its fruits. In reality the Soul is not anyone's husband or wife, man or son. It is only karma that are unfolding and accounts that are being settled. The Soul remains unchanged in all this. Soul is soul and Absolute Self is Absolute. It is your belief that she is your wife.
(483) Who teaches these birds how to weave such beautiful nests? You will not have to put too much effort in how to run your daily worldly life. Yes there is some effort required in acquiring knowledge of the Self. However, there is no need to do anything to run this world. It is only these humans that think that they are too smart. Do these animals not have any spouses? Do they have to be married? It is only these humans that have become wife and children. It is only the human beings that are so caught up with marriages.
Even these cows and buffaloes have marriages; they too have children, but is there such thing as a husband there? They too become father-in-law and mother-in-law, but do they organize things like these intelligent people? Do they ever say that I am her father-in-law? Despite this their life is just like