Harmony in Marriage
Harmony in Marriage
Lord', what is wrong with that?
Dadashri: The husbands of today are such that if they were considered as The Lord, they would go around like mad men.
Questioner: Can these husbands be called The Lord? Should we do their darshan(look with reverence) everyday? Should we drink the water with which we wash their feet?
Dadashri: You may address them as The Lord, if they do not die. How can they be called The Lord when they die? How in heavens can they be The Lord?
Questioner: I bow down to my husband everyday.
Dadashri: You must be deceiving him by doing so. Women deceive the men by prostrating in front of them. A husband is a husband and The Lord is The Lord. Where does the husband say that 'I am The Lord'? All he says is that 'I am your boss'. He says only this, does he not?
Questioner: Yes, he says only this.
Dadashri: Yes, there is a boss for the cows, there is a boss for everyone. Soul is the only Lord. Pure Soul.
Questioner: Should one drink the water, which we use to clean their feet (charanamrut)?
Dadashri: How can one drink charanamrut of husbands of today? They smell. Even when he sits there, he emits an odour. It was a different matter in the past, when people had a fragrance to them, but husbands today, smell. Enough to give you a headache. Today you just have to play the role whichever way you can of a husband or a wife.
Questioner: Dada, nowadays no one does this.
Especially now that women are educated, they have discarded such practices.
Dadashri: Men have become the Lord. Just look at them, they are the ones who wrote the book, so who is going to question them? They have turned everything on their side. It should not be this way.
Questioner: The women of today do not respect their husbands, as did the women of the past.
Dadashri: Yes, the husbands of the past were like Lord Rama and now they have become Mara! (Ma-ra opposite of Ra-ma) They have no qualities of Lord Rama. (395)
Questioner: What is the wife's obligation towards her husband? Please explain this.
Dadashri: She should be sincere to her husband. The husband should tell his wife 'If you become insincere with me, then I will lose my head'. You have to caution her. You have to tell her to beware, but do not pressure her that she should remain sincere. You can tell her to beware. One should be sincere for the entire life. Day and night, you should be thinking about him only. You should be concerned about him all the time. Only then will your life together run well.
Questioner: If the husband is not sincere and the wife loses her head, does she bind karma of suffering?
Dadashri: If she loses her head, then she and he, both will suffer. As far as possible, you should not lose your head. If it was not the husband's intent and he makes a mistake, then he should ask for forgiveness and reassure her that he will not make the same mistake again. A man has to be sincere does he not? How can things work when there is no sincerity?