Harmony in Marriage should know how to conduct our dealings with the wife. (357)
It is because of the presence of the woman, that this world has warmth and joy in it. Otherwise in your household you would be worse than a hermit. The cleaning and sweeping would not be done in the morning. There would be no signs of tea, or breakfast. It is only upon the instructions of the wife, that one does take a timely bath. It is because of her that there is a glow and warmth in the home. her joy is because of him. (358)
Women have a tremendous strength of tolerance for pain and suffering. Even when times are very difficult and there is grave suffering, she will tell her husband, 'don't be afraid, just go to sleep, why are you making yourself unhappy?" She will pacify him.
A woman by nature is spontaneous and natural. When the husband has a loss of five hundred thousand dollars or so, he will worry the whole day long about it. If his business is running at a loss, he will not eat properly. But a woman on the other hand, will tell him to stop worrying unnecessarily. She will tell him to eat properly. Now she is also a fifty percent partner in the business. Why does she not worry? It is because she is sahaj (spontaneous and natural). So when you live with sahaj people, then you will survive, otherwise you will not. If there were two men living together, on the other hand, they would not find any meaningful comfort from being with each other. The woman is sahaj, and it is because of her presence that there is joy in the home. (359)
A woman is a Goddess of strength. If a man understands this, his life's work is done. The woman is not at fault, it is the fault of man's wrong understanding. The women are
Harmony in Marriage
Goddesses. Do not try to make them any lesser. You should say she is a Goddess. You may even call her as, 'Devi(Goddess). In the north, in many places they address their women as 'Devi'. Even nowadays, they say 'Shardadevi has come, or Manidevi has come. Don't they say it in certain places? (360)
If there were four men living together, one of them would cook, the other has some other task assigned etc., that household would be useless and no fun live in. If one man and one woman live together, then that home will be beautiful. Women really know how to make things beautiful.
Questioner: Don't keep siding with just the women,
Dadashri : I am not siding with the women. I am really siding with the men, but the women think that I am siding with them, but really I am siding with the men, because you are the head of the family. "She is not the owner of the family, you are the owner". In Bombay people ask me why do you not side with the men, why do you side with the women? I reply, Lord Mahavir was born of a woman, who are you going to give birth to? You people are making a big issue without any cause.
Questioner: Still, you are partial to the women. This is what we believe.
Dadashri: Yes. People have accused me of that, but at the same time I raise the men up so high, that even the women start to respect them. I arrange things in such a way. If you look at it on the surface, it appears that I am siding with the women, but from within I root for the men. Therefore, there has to be ways to arrange things. Both parties need to be