The Flawless Vision
The Flawless Vision
you see him or her as bad? Of what use is the external package when you are only concerned with its contents? It is of no consequence what material the package is made of. You get hurt when you see the enemy, but what if you never see him as an enemy? You are looking through these mortal eyes, which have a worldly vision, and that is why you see a person as your enemy or as being good or bad. Now you are saying that this person is good but a few years later you will say that he is bad, does that not happen?
Questioner: Yes Dada.
Dadashri: I do not see any enemies in this world. To me everyone appears as faultless because my vision has become pure. You will need the same purity of vision. That is the Divine Vision.
Snakes And Scorpions Are All Faultless There is absolutely no one at fault in this world.
Questioner: It is only because of the unfolding of one's karma that they see the fault. Is that right?
Dadashri: Yes. The whole world is faultless-through which vision is it such? If you look at the Pure Self within, then everyone is faultless. So then who is at fault? It is the outer package, the pudgal (the body, mind and speech), the one the world believes to be real. What should we know? It is the pudgal, which is under the influence of unfolding karma, today. Today he does things against his wishes. That is why the poor man is faultless. The whole world is faultless. You see faults in others because faults exist within you. This is the only reason you see faults in others. You will achieve liberation when you see the world as faultless, otherwise you will have to be content with being stuck here.
Some people do penance and some practice austerities.
What is the need to see any fault in that? They are under the control of their vyavasthit. How does any of this concern you? You should not criticize or concern yourself with anyone's actions. Do you want to bind new karmic accounts with him? He does what feels right to him, your concern is only liberation for yourself, and you have nothing to do with anyone else. After all no one is at fault in this world. To me every living being is faultless; the pickpocket, the animals and insects - snakes, scorpions etc. You become fearful of those you see as being at fault. I never see them as such, because I know through Gnan why they are faultless. To see faults in anyone is an illusion. To see someone as good or bad, a thief or an honest person is an illusion. In your awareness you will see that all are faultless, and it is because of your flawed vision that you see faults in anyone. If you continue to see faults in others, understand that you are making a mistake in the way you see the world. It is an illusion that people appear to be at fault, because in reality everyone is faultless.
Lord Mahavir Saw Only His Own Faults
When someone picks your pocket and you do not see him as being at fault, and if this vision of yours prevails in countless other similar circumstances, know that you will achieve liberation. After acquiring Atma Gnan, it is only when you start to see everyone as faultless, will you achieve liberation, otherwise it is not possible.
If you look closely, it is your intellect that traps you and shows you faults in others, but otherwise no one is at fault in this world. It is the intellect that raises the question when a person who has led an exemplary life is befallen with a great misfortune. This is because of past life karma.
Karma will not come into fruition until it ripens. Just like the mangoes, you do not get any juice from them until they become