The Flawless Vision
The Flawless Vision
become effective within us.
Dadashri: These words are always effective if you embrace them. What can be done if you do not?
The State After Gnan The ultimate vision is that no living being is at fault. A snake, scorpion, tiger, lion, none will appear to be at fault. You have acquired this vision and with it you will not see anyone at fault in this world.
Questioner: Yes Dada, we have acquired this vision.
Dadashri: Then you will experience the bliss of liberation here and now. There is nothing but bliss here. Suffering exists as long as you see faults of others. You are liberated when you cease to see faults in others.
Questioner: When I become angry with my wife, is that the same as seeing faults in her?
Dadashri: But it is not you' who gets angry is it? Questioner: Not I, the Pure Soul.
Dadashri: Yes, therefore you are able to see your fault regarding the anger, are you not?
Questioner: Yes, I can. Dadashri: So you see your own fault and not your wife's,
I became angry?
Dadashri: No. It is because you saw her fault that you are saying that Chandubhai is the one at fault. The fault is always separate from the one who seemingly does it. In this case Chandubhai reacted to a fault arising in his interaction with his wife. The fault arose as a result of the interaction with her. It does not exist independently and therefore no one is the owner of the fault. In other words all are faultless. The One who is separate from Chandubhai, The self is eternally aware of this, Chandubhai is not. Therefore the Self sees the reaction of anger as the fault of Chandubhai. The Self never sees anyone at fault, but the existence of the fault is recognized. You will not see the wife as being at fault.
Again, You are not really seeing the wife's fault but really You are seeing Chandubhai's fault. Therefore, the fault is yours.
Questioner: I realize that after I become angry.
Dadashri: Even after becoming angry, do you see Chandubhai as the one at fault?
Questioner: Yes.
Dadashri: Only then is it considered a fault. It is considered a fault only after it has occurred. The fault of the other did not arise and the fault of the self (Chandubhai) was seen. You will feel that Chandubhai is guilty.
Questioner: Yes that is exactly how I feel.
Dadashri: Chandubhai will feel that the wife is at fault. But You will feel that it is Chandubhai who is at fault. Chandubhai is the one who has seen his wife's faults and become angry with her and so Chandubhai is the one at fault.
Questioner: Right, I do not see her fault.
Dadashri: That is all there is to it. You should not be seeing anyone's faults except Chadubhai's (file no. 1)
Questioner: Yes, but is it not because I saw her fault that